
Meet the Coup Kids   Recently updated !

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All the times I’ve complained about gerontocracy are moot now that Elon Musk’s unelected DOGE babies are effectively in control of the country. Sure, their actions are technically illegal, but no one is going enforce the laws that say that, so here we are.

One of them was forced to resign today for being too racist, which is quite the accomplishment with this administration. He could also face being grounded for two, maybe three weeks tops.

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Trump’s V.P. Shortlist

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General election nonsense is beginning, and there’s allegedly a debate happening next week. Regular folks are doing summery things like vacations and sweating their butts off while drawing this comic in third floor apartments in Boston, Massachusetts. The media however, needs a horserace and “Veepstakes” gives them something to talk about besides “Trump still sucks.” and Biden still slightly older than Trump.”

It doesn’t matter who Trump’s Vice President is more than the legion of flunkies who’ll be put in charge of their terrifying agenda. John Oliver had a good summary of it, that’s better than me typing all about it.

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Samuel Alito’s Freak Flags

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Apologies for two SCOTUS cartoons this month, but these six goons effectively run the country, with the two other branches of government wielding about as much power as an elementary school’s model U.N. The court’s begun issuing this year’s decrees, with today’s stripping what little was left on the Voting Rights Act’s corpse after Shelby v. Holder.

If you haven’t heard about the Alitos’ coup-coup flags, they put up decorations that show aesthetically what Alito’s opinions have been saying explicitly for decades: He’s a Christofascist, just like the other five members of the court’s majority.

Until a meaningful solution to the right-wing court’s rule is offered by the Democrats, they’ll continue to chip away at every right gained since Reconstruction and maybe even further back until elections are rendered moot. Waiting for actuarial tables and hilarious accidents is not a policy solution; it’s already admitting defeat.

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NBC’s Pundit Search

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NBC hired former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel for a few minutes before rescinding the offer after employees and viewers voiced their disgust with having a coup-enabler on TV to lie about another election. The problem they and every other news outlet has is that there are no more mainstream Republicans who oppose doing another coup.

So they either have to point this out, or pretend the guy who’s been at the top of the Republican ticket for nearly a decade now is some weird aberration, instead of the standard-bearer of America’s fascist party. Presenting the fiction probably makes selling ads a lot easier.

Only a little more than six months for NBC and the rest of the media to figure out that both-sides-ing fascism won’t save them.

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Trump Shopping Network

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Courts say Trump has to pay a lot of money in judgements from his assorted fraud and defamation trials. Now his PACs are broke from paying for all his legal fees. Then last week he debuted a shitty $400 sneaker at a sneaker convention in Philadelphia.  Seems desperate! But …

He’s currently trying to delay and appeal, and even if that fails, I’m not convinced he’ll ever pay up. I’ll be happy to see him face consequences for delinquency, but the courts and politicians have proved their unwillingness to put this shithead in a cell.

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2024 Congressional Schedule

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The new year has begun and so has the countdown to 24/7 election talk. Not here, though. Getting it out early while we’re all shaking off holiday hangovers and/or the latest covid surge.

I won’t keep harping on Mike Johnson and Republicans actively wanting to do a coup, that’s a well-known fact. But Schumer (and Biden) have wasted the past three years on the mixed-messaging of praising bipartisanship and working with Republicans while simultaneously claiming they’re an imminent threat to democracy. Gotta sharpen up the contrasts for the low-information dum-dums who have all our fates in their simple, fickle hands.

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Republican Primaries’ Cryptid Candidates

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Like I wrote last week, I’m only aware of the 2024 also-rans due to my proximity to New Hampshire. They have some real freaks, but you-know-who’s going to be the nominee. More states should follow Colorado and Maine’s lead and kick him off the ballot, but the Supreme Court is packed with coup-lovin’ shitheads, so I’m not hopeful.

Unlike the Republican freak-of-the-week, I could draw cryptids forever. I only saw a moose once, so I count it as a cryptid. If that’s not satisfying, pretend I drew the aliens that “abducted” Betty and Barney Hill for New Hampshire instead.

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Holiday Recipes

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The holidays snuck up on me, and judging by the Halloween decorations that were up in my neighborhood until this week, the same happened to a lot of people. We finally got our tree up and I’m sure it will be providing living room cheer through most of January.

I can’t say I’ve tested any of these recipes except for Grandma’s Edibles. And now that every formerly vacant storefront in Massachusetts is a dispensary that’s oversaturated the market with affordable edibles, I don’t think I will ever again.

Mike Johnson’s still Speaker and doing evil things quietly enough to avoid much mainstream media scrutiny. The guy’s a coup true believer and Democrats better come up with a better nickname than “MAGA Mike” before it’s too late.

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