Clarence Thomas

Summer Beach Reads

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It was a long weekend after a month’s worth of news happened on Monday and Tuesday. I went to the beach to look at some cool shells and eat seafood, but I shall return, barely refreshed to draw comics about whatever new horrors await us on the other side of the holiday weekend.

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Samuel Alito’s Freak Flags

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Apologies for two SCOTUS cartoons this month, but these six goons effectively run the country, with the two other branches of government wielding about as much power as an elementary school’s model U.N. The court’s begun issuing this year’s decrees, with today’s stripping what little was left on the Voting Rights Act’s corpse after Shelby v. Holder.

If you haven’t heard about the Alitos’ coup-coup flags, they put up decorations that show aesthetically what Alito’s opinions have been saying explicitly for decades: He’s a Christofascist, just like the other five members of the court’s majority.

Until a meaningful solution to the right-wing court’s rule is offered by the Democrats, they’ll continue to chip away at every right gained since Reconstruction and maybe even further back until elections are rendered moot. Waiting for actuarial tables and hilarious accidents is not a policy solution; it’s already admitting defeat.

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Incredible Global News 2023

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The year’s winding down and everyone’s getting ready for their annual Spreading-of-COVID celebrations. I don’t do year-end round-ups because I don’t want to remember any of that. These are just some recent news items and gags to illustrate before I do some last-minute shopping.

Since New Hampshire mooches off Boston’s media market, I’m already being bombarded with ads for the 2024 Republican primary (I watch sports, if you’re wondering how I get exposed to ads.) so it’s effectively already next year for me. It’s going to suck on the macro level, but I hope your personal new year is a decent one!

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Republican Creature Features

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I usually save the horror parodies for Halloween, but this summer’s news has been inviting them ahead of schedule. This usually is the time of year studios put out at least a few of their new spooky stuff in theaters so they can double-dip digital rentals in October.

McConnell froze up in the middle of a press conference a couple weeks ago, and I’ve learned not to get my hopes up. I’m going to be adding more gruesome ailments to my depiction of him and the fucker’s gonna outlive me; like some kind of mashup between the picture of Dorian Gray and the dude on the game Operation.

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Camp Corruption

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Another session of the Federalist Society’s judicial junta struck down affirmative action, the racial equality kind, at least. Rich legacy white failsons are still able to get admitted.

I’m not sure how many years of being screamed at to “VOTE!” I can take when these fascists strike down anything nerds like Leonard Leo and his billionaire donors don’t like. The courts have to be packed before it’s too late, if it’s not already.

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The Monster Fash

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The Criterion Channel launched some great Halloween collections this week, the same week the Supreme Court began a new session. So I’ve been enjoying the escapism from real horrors with fictional ones.

Until the court’s expanded, or ignoring their unenforceable rulings becomes commonplace, these six freaks are going to do a lot of damage. (Unless two of them croak while a Democrat is President, before they say that’s unconstitutional.)

There are many, and far superior Halloween novelty songs than the Monster Mash, but it’s hard to top Werewolf Bar Mitzvah and Monster Fuck.

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CNN’s New Roster of Rogues

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Cable news has been garbage forever, but now CNN in angling to be a Fox News clone. Outside of breaking national news, these channels are only watched by shut-ins and DC insiders who leave this garbage on as background noise every day, poisoning their brains (and our government) in the process.

Says the cartoonist who leaves Twitter open on another monitor the entire time he was drawing this.

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Forever Stamping Out Democracy

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There was an unveiling ceremony for a new Nancy Reagan stamp at the White House this week. Combined with Biden’s claims of McConnell and other Republicans being reasonable, I’m not too confident that tonight’s insurrection hearing will have much effect on stopping our slide into fascism.

Happy to be wrong, though!

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