
Medical Maladies

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It’s the fourth anniversary of COVID lockdown, and to celebrate people are spreading measles, norovirus and everything else more hygienic generations had virtually eradicated. The other panels are about other news things you’ve probably heard about, unless you’re a frozen embryo who suddenly became a “person” because of some idiot judge(s).

With the charade of the primaries all but over, it’s general election season. It will be even dumber than the last one. I will try to ignore it for as long as possible.

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COVID’s Over* Party Supplies

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The public health emergency for the pandemic ended today. The pandemic hasn’t. Testing’s now going to be even more of an expensive pain-in-the-ass, which means no one will do it unless absolutely necessary, including myself!

A thousand people are still dying a week in the US, but the government really gave up after that first omicron surge in late ’21, early ’22. We’ve normalized accepting deaths below those numbers.

Transmission numbers are low, and the weather’s good for ventilation now, but we’re not collecting any more data for individuals to make informed decisions when things get worse. And if the last 3+ years proved anything, it’s that they will.

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White House Sophistry Briefing

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With Title 42 coming to end (only because they’re ending the pandemic emergency declaration in May), the Biden administration has begun floating the idea of bringing family detainment back. That’s the same thing that caused all the good liberals with signs on their lawns to protest “kids in cages” when Trump did it.

The White House has also recently stymied any hope of D.C. self rule, refused to condemn Israel’s super-apartheid government fomenting violence in the West Bank, and generally doing everything it can to wipe out their 2020 campaign platform.

Now I get to sit back and wait for angry emails telling me how rude I am for criticizing this administration when Republicans are much, much worse.

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Culture War Activities

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Republicans riling up their base about stove regulations or sexy M&Ms is preferred over the past few years spent inciting them to commit terrorism against human beings. The latter isn’t culture war, just straight up war-war.

A lot of stuff gets lumped into “Culture War” because media considers it frivolous, even if it’s a serious issue with life or death consequences. They’ve probably already defined it down to include everything that isn’t about actual war or our precious economy. Or the Royal Family, who I’m still hearing about for some reason.

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Incredible Global News 2022

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Heading into the final weeks of the year and threw together some unrelated news gags together to get ahead of schedule. AI art is this year’s NFTs. Everywhere at the moment, but its ubiquity will be its undoing. Or so I tell myself.

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Swing Voters Explain Themselves

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The midterms are rapidly approaching and the polls between “fascists” and “milquetoast not-fascists” are closer than they should be. The mainstream press loves a horserace, even when the consequences are life and death for millions of people. Gaffes are easier to report (and draw) than all the mechanisms Republicans are going to use to end what little democracy we have left if given control of Congress once more.

But get your “I Voted.” sticker anyway. These idiots will.

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Bivalent Boosters

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I had a bivalent booster shot scheduled this week, but it was canceled the night before due to shortages. Fingers crossed that my rescheduled appointment has the booster juice next week.

The rollout for this round of boosters is atrocious. It wasn’t great last fall, with only 30% of those eligible getting one; and that winter saw omicron and a peak of 4,000+ deaths a day in January. Maybe the plan to let everyone get it and let eugenics do the rest will mean less death this time around, but whistling past a million dead to get back to “normal” has let out the sociopath in all of us.

Get the booster, wear a mask in enclosed public spaces, and get the flu shot too. There are still people who can’t do any that who are relying on the rest of society to create an environment that’s safe enough for them to return to.

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Fall TV Premieres

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There’s a strike going on at a Boston Starbucks that’s the longest in that franchise’s recent wave of workers demanding to paid fairly for slinging glorified milkshakes.

Every other panel is about another news thing. I had to hedge a bit with the supply chain, since there’s a tentative agreement with railroad workers, but I’ve been experiencing random things being out of stock ever since we decided to let COVID rip through workplaces.

As for actual TV shows, summer seems to be when they put out a lot of the good ones, and FX/Hulu are putting out bangers. Reservation Dogs, This Fool, The Bear, What We Do in the Shadows, are all worth checking out if the fall garbage isn’t for you.

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