Stephen Miller

Republicans’ Manual for Acting Normal

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“Republicans are weird.” has gone mainstream after Kamala Harris bluntly stated this obvious fact. Previously, you’d only hear it in alt-weeklies, late night jokes, and all over social media because the mainstream media was too busy doing both-sides coverage to notice how divorced from reality Republican politicians have truly become.

Republicans are struggling to refute this simple line of attack because it is true. Their policies, demeanors, and general vibe are just plain weird. The RNC was a freak show celebrating it before it became a liability! Their attempts to point out Democratic weirdness so far have been focused on quirky individuals who are weird in the cool sense and have neither the desire nor power to impose their weirdness on others.

There are still three months before the election, which is a lot of time, but not long enough for these weirdos to stop being creeps.

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Trump’s V.P. Shortlist

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General election nonsense is beginning, and there’s allegedly a debate happening next week. Regular folks are doing summery things like vacations and sweating their butts off while drawing this comic in third floor apartments in Boston, Massachusetts. The media however, needs a horserace and “Veepstakes” gives them something to talk about besides “Trump still sucks.” and Biden still slightly older than Trump.”

It doesn’t matter who Trump’s Vice President is more than the legion of flunkies who’ll be put in charge of their terrifying agenda. John Oliver had a good summary of it, that’s better than me typing all about it.

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Economics Kinks

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More fiduciary fun this week. Funds for COVID mitigation measures are being held up in the Senate by Republicans and the usual Democratic suspects to keep Title 42. It was written by Stephen Miller using COVID as a pretext to unilaterally deport anyone seeking asylum from a country where COVID’s run rampant with nary a mitigation measure, like the United States right now, for one example.

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The Haunting of the White House

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I didn’t mean to start spooky season yet. But horrific photos and reports of U.S. Border Patrol on horseback assaulting and detaining refugees seeking asylum sent a chill down my spine.

The refugees, particularly those from Haiti in this case, are dealing with a series of disasters that we have caused, both directly and indirectly. In any case, all refugees should be let in and given asylum. We have the space and resources, and it’s time for leadership instead caving to fascist scaremongers like Tucker Fucking Carlson. It’s good practice too. There are about to be a billion more climate refugees in the years ahead, and a good chance you and I will be among them.

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White House Exit Interviews

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Until the seditious congressmembers are expelled or hobbled by eliminating the senate filibuster, they’ll continue to stall everything in order to steal power back in 2022 and beyond.

I’m 41 and the memories of Obama’s failures in 2009-2010 that led to the Tea Party, which led to Trump, are still fresh in my mind. Hopefully President Biden’s “unity” talk was just for those of us who are united against fascism.

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White House Memorial Daze

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A massive pandemic isn’t going to stop the administration’s grifts, and Mike Pompeo is taking full advantage while every normal person is focused on not dying.

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Trump Slaughters the Food Supply

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I got rid of my car four years ago, and used Zipcar for groceries and supply runs. I’m not sitting in someone else’s germs, so we rely on delivery now. Thankfully there’s a local store that’s sources stuff locally, so its supply chains aren’t as strained as the monopolies.

We currently have enough meat and fish, but I would kill for a grocery chain rotisserie chicken and the chicken salad I’d make out of the leftovers.

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