Social Security

Kevin McCarthy’s Anti-American Agenda

Read the comic on Patreon.

Results are shaking out from last week’s election, and the Republicans will get a thin majority in the House, thanks mostly to New York Democrats rather than anything appealing offered by the GOP. Of course, if the Coup Caucus was expelled, and thorough impeachment trials were held, things probably never would’ve been this close.

So now we get another two years of debt ceiling crises, hearings about nothing, and nonstop coverage of Trump’s rallies now that he’s officially declared what we all knew he was gonna do.

At least the Senate didn’t change hands, so non-Federalist Society judges can get confirmed for two more years. Fingers crossed Ginni spills lube all over her and Clarence’s bathroom before time runs out on that too.

Read the comic on Patreon.
Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic GoComics.

Paul Ryan’s Retirement Plans

Having gutted the safety net and transferred trillions to the wealthy, Paul Ryan won’t seek reelection in order to spend more time with his donors.

It was weird digging back into my archives to remember how to draw Boehner, and seeing how orange I made him. How naive I was to think he’d be the orangest politician in my palette.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Read the comic on Daily Kos.

President Obama’s Last-Minute To Do List

Looking for today’s comic? Here it is:

I posted it here because my run with “The Strip” at The New York Times‘ Sunday Review has come to an end. I want to thank everyone there for giving my cartoons a prominent home for the past five years and change. And I give the most thanks to the art directors who patiently waited while I blew past deadlines, and the copy editors who saved me from many embarrassing typos.

As you can tell from the comic you just read, I haven’t stopped drawing weekly cartoons. Now that I’m no longer confined by print dimensions, I’ve switched things up to a more smartphone-friendly vertical format. Here are links to places where you can continue reading my weekly comic:


Daily Kos Comics


And now that my schedule has lightened, I’m able to draw more exclusive stuff for The Nib. I’m already working on a bunch of new comics for them starting next week.

You can also follow me on Twitter or Facebook to know whenever I publish something new.

If you run a publication and want to include my cartoons, or commission exclusive work, get in touch!

Finally, if you want to ask me a bunch of questions about what’s going on at The New York Times, I’ll save you some time: I don’t know! I’m a freelancer and only went inside their building twice. The elevators are confusing.

Republicans’ Safety Net Cuts

Republicans' Safety Net CutsWith a unified government, the Republicans can kill the last vestiges of the New Deal that survived Reaganomics and austerity. All of these programs are essential and help millions, but they are far from perfect. A smart opposition party would fight to expand and improve them.

Read the comic at The New York Times.