
Samuel Alito’s Freak Flags

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Apologies for two SCOTUS cartoons this month, but these six goons effectively run the country, with the two other branches of government wielding about as much power as an elementary school’s model U.N. The court’s begun issuing this year’s decrees, with today’s stripping what little was left on the Voting Rights Act’s corpse after Shelby v. Holder.

If you haven’t heard about the Alitos’ coup-coup flags, they put up decorations that show aesthetically what Alito’s opinions have been saying explicitly for decades: He’s a Christofascist, just like the other five members of the court’s majority.

Until a meaningful solution to the right-wing court’s rule is offered by the Democrats, they’ll continue to chip away at every right gained since Reconstruction and maybe even further back until elections are rendered moot. Waiting for actuarial tables and hilarious accidents is not a policy solution; it’s already admitting defeat.

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Ethics* of the Supreme Court

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After numerous reports of bribery, Federalist Society influence, and seditious spouses among the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority, they finally came out with a toothless code of ethics to get those dang meddling reporters off their backs. I don’t think it’ll work on anyone except their good friend and cocktail party hostess, Nina Totenberg.

This code of ethics can be toothless because Congress and the President refuse to use any of the levers of power at their disposal to rein in the judicial coup that’s been amassing unaccountable power since at least Bush v. Gore (In which Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett were all well-documented players).

For the next year we’re going to be told that the election’s all about control of the Supreme Court, but with neither party willing to put any checks on their power, it’s really up to the Grim Reaper to make a few calls first.

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The President’s Pitchman

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Pence is traveling to every Trump property, daring anyone to do something about this administration’s violations of the Emoluments Clause. Maybe they’re waiting to nail Trump on weather map fraud instead.

This is the first time I’ve drawn Pence in consecutive weeks since 2016. Hell is a flat circle.

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Donald Trump’s Cabinet of Grifters

They made Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm to avoid even the whiff of corruption, but now it’s cool that the entire administration is taking money right out of the government till for luxury bullshit.

I also did a headline comic for The Nib about Scott Pruitt’s extravagant phone booth.

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Read the comic at Daily Kos.

Read the comic at GoComics.