
A Conversation with the Boot on Your Face

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Protests against Israel’s siege/ethnic cleansing/genocide of Gaza have been happening as soon as it was clear Palestinians were facing collective punishment for Hamas’ brutal October 7 attack. Even as Israel’s war crimes escalated, proponents of a ceasefire have been largely ignored by those in power and people who can only perceive events through their implications on the presidential election.

Until this week, when Columbia University’s administration sent the cops to remove its encampment of student protestors. This delighted reactionaries and spawned solidarity protests on campuses throughout the country, which face crackdowns of their own. The semester ends in a couple weeks. Administrators could’ve just waited the students out, but chose to escalate, just like the country the students were protesting in the first place.

For the past seven months, commenting on Biden’s enabling of Israel’s actions was met with a chorus of “Trump would be worse!” Of course he would be, and he’d send more troops to bust kids’ skulls even harder. But doing or saying nothing today out of fear of something worse happening means fascism’s already here. And being quiet won’t make it go away.

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Susan Collins’s Concerns

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Whining about protesters is all the rage this week among those who don’t want to mention the impending overturning of Roe v. Wade. Claiming these spontaneous, harmless protests are “protoviolence” and beyond the scope of the First Amendment is the first step to normalize the looming crackdowns when the (illegitimate) SCOTUS opinion officially comes down.

I don’t really want Maine to return to Massachusetts, but a lot of states should be consolidated, especially the prairie states which produce nothing more than senators, grain and natural gas.

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Facebook’s Innovations

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Facebook recently unveiled some “new” things, such as smart glasses and virtual conference rooms. Which makes sense, since anybody old enough to remember Google Glass and Second Life fondly is old enough to be Facebook’s target demo.

Each time I log onto that garbage to post a cartoon, it’s a user-interface nightmare, not to mention the awful posts that get promoted to the top of the feed before I can toss some likes on my Mom’s posts before I log out.

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Chad Wolf’s Goon Squad!

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The regular cops are still wilding out, and adding the Republicans’ secret police to the mix right as pandemic relief expires is a recipe for (even more) disaster. Oh, and Democrats also voted to keep the Afghanistan War going on to its third decade. Fun week!

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Politely Protesting with Mr. Manners

Politely ProtestingThe protests at Mizzou and other universities caused a lot of old pundits to critique teenagers’ and young adults’ methods for achieving social justice. No college kid cares what pundits have to say. Sure, that one teacher who asked “for muscle” goofed up, but she was mocked all last week for being overprotective. Who has time for tone policing students and faculty when corporations, bankers and their client politicians are actively trying to destroy the world?

Read the comic at The New York Times.