
Republican Textbook Fair

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My birthday and the long weekend almost coincide, so I’m getting this out early. Stores are already past back-to-school season and stocked with Halloween junk, but it’s still summer to me and my poor beleaguered air conditioners.

The attempts by Republican-led states to rewrite history seems laughable, but we got everyone to forget a pandemic that’s still happening, so anything’s possible.

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Mark Zuckerberg’s DIY Metaverse

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Every announcement from Zuckerberg about his pet Metaverse project has been met with much-deserved derision. It seems like he’s been forcing hype around something that looks like a Second Life knockoff for almost then 20 years since Second Life was relevant.

The idea of a virtual office at a time when employers are desperate to get everyone back in the real office only sounds good to manager-types. Those fortunate enough to work from home during the (still-ongoing) pandemic experienced what us freelance work-from-home slobs have already known: Sleeping in and no commute rules.

As part of his Metaverse pitch, it appears Zuckerberg changed his wardrobe to a long-sleeve shirt. I believe this was to ease the burden on his beleaguered programmers who’ve had to crunch to upgrade his avatar after each round of ridicule.

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Elon Musk’s Freak Speech Spending Spree

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Elon Musk has been trying to be the main character of Twitter for the better part of two months now. And just as I was locking in the final line art of this comic, an expose came out about how he harassed/assaulted a SpaceX employee, who signed an NDA for a severance of $250K. So if you’re wondering why there’s only slight mention of it, that’s why!

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Incredible Global News 2021

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We’re entering another pandemic winter where at least half the country is just ignoring it and going on with their holidays plans despite the lack of adequate testing. We’re in for a fun 2022.

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Facebook’s Innovations

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Facebook recently unveiled some “new” things, such as smart glasses and virtual conference rooms. Which makes sense, since anybody old enough to remember Google Glass and Second Life fondly is old enough to be Facebook’s target demo.

Each time I log onto that garbage to post a cartoon, it’s a user-interface nightmare, not to mention the awful posts that get promoted to the top of the feed before I can toss some likes on my Mom’s posts before I log out.

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Mail Order Crap for COVID Quacks

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It’s college move-in week here in Boston, and variants from across the nation are coming to mingle among every Solo cup in the state. Several friends have recently gotten breakthrough cases (nothing severe, thanks to vaccines), so conditions are probably ripe for another fall surge.

Enjoy summer’s final, rattling breaths!

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Facebook’s Oversight Orb

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Facebook’s oversight board made some news this week for issuing a toothless decree about kicking a certain ex-president off their platform. A shame actual regulations don’t apply to them and they get to make up their own on the fly.

(panel 1 – Title above a floating orb with Mark Zuckerberg’s face.)
Facebook’s Oversight Orb
(panel 2 – The Zuckerberg Orb hovering over someone typing at a computer.)
typing inset, “The Democrats are harvesting baby blood to commit SUPER VOTER FRAUD!”
Zuckerberg, “Not true, but the algorithm’s gonna spew this into everyone’s feed!”
(panel 3 – The Zuckerberg Orb hovering over a board meeting at Facebook headquarters.)
executive, “Should advertisers be running these invasive, creepy ads?”
Zuckerberg, “You say ‘creepy;’ I say ‘HIGHLY TARGETED.'”
(panel 4 – The Zuckerberg Orb hovering over someone texting.)
texting inset, “Bill Gates put tracking microchips in the vaccines!”
(panel 5 – The Zuckerberg Orb hovering over someone texting.)
Zuckerberg, “Keep posting that while you continue to let me track everything you do!”

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