Susan Collins

Normalization Nation

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The entire mainstream media and political class are acting like a fascist returning to power after an attempted coup is totally normal, and that he should be given the benefit of the doubt despite almost a decade of evidence that he’s corrupt moron who’s already done tons of damage to the country.

There’s no honeymoon period for couples that get married a second time and there shouldn’t be for dipshit ex/soon-to-be presidents. Things are going to suck and get worse from Day One, and these dopes are going to pretend not to notice for at least a year in the interest of appearing “fair.”

Hope you get to enjoy a nice long weekend before your obligations as a holiday consumer begin.

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Susan Collins’s Concerns

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Whining about protesters is all the rage this week among those who don’t want to mention the impending overturning of Roe v. Wade. Claiming these spontaneous, harmless protests are “protoviolence” and beyond the scope of the First Amendment is the first step to normalize the looming crackdowns when the (illegitimate) SCOTUS opinion officially comes down.

I don’t really want Maine to return to Massachusetts, but a lot of states should be consolidated, especially the prairie states which produce nothing more than senators, grain and natural gas.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
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2022 Valentines

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This marks twenty years of me making fake Valentine’s cards for cartoons. I might’ve missed several years when I was on the NYT grind, so don’t quote me on that.

I had a cold this week that was surprisingly not COVID. While I don’t recommend getting sick, any excuse to avoid following the news makes for a better week.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
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Susan Collins’ Troubled Mind

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The last thing people in Maine* want is someone from Massachusetts telling them what to do. But maybe they’ll follow their New Hampshire neighbors’ lead and stop sending Republicans to Congress.

*Becoming a state as a result of the Missouri Compromise which prolonged slavery, Maine is still rightfully part of Massachusetts, no matter what those potato and toilet paper farmers say.

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GOP Jury Duty

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Mitch’s shady late night impeachment shenanigans should clue people in to the G.O.P.’s project to undermine democracy, but if the last twenty years haven’t, I don’t know what will.

I thought nothing could be worse than drawing Ted Cruz during the 2016 primaries, but then he went and grew a teenager’s graying patchy beard.

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Read the comic on Daily Kos.

Republicans Reject Trump

Republicans Reject TrumpRepublicans are abandoning the Trump Train, and Clinton’s rolling out the welcome mat. I hope her tent is big enough to keep John Negroponte far away from wherever the Clinton campaign’s foreign policy is being written.

Read the comic at The New York Times.