John Roberts

Camp Corruption

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Another session of the Federalist Society’s judicial junta struck down affirmative action, the racial equality kind, at least. Rich legacy white failsons are still able to get admitted.

I’m not sure how many years of being screamed at to “VOTE!” I can take when these fascists strike down anything nerds like Leonard Leo and his billionaire donors don’t like. The courts have to be packed before it’s too late, if it’s not already.

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The Monster Fash

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The Criterion Channel launched some great Halloween collections this week, the same week the Supreme Court began a new session. So I’ve been enjoying the escapism from real horrors with fictional ones.

Until the court’s expanded, or ignoring their unenforceable rulings becomes commonplace, these six freaks are going to do a lot of damage. (Unless two of them croak while a Democrat is President, before they say that’s unconstitutional.)

There are many, and far superior Halloween novelty songs than the Monster Mash, but it’s hard to top Werewolf Bar Mitzvah and Monster Fuck.

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Forever Stamping Out Democracy

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There was an unveiling ceremony for a new Nancy Reagan stamp at the White House this week. Combined with Biden’s claims of McConnell and other Republicans being reasonable, I’m not too confident that tonight’s insurrection hearing will have much effect on stopping our slide into fascism.

Happy to be wrong, though!

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Georgia’s Voting Wrongs Act

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Kemp’s getting the spotlight, but Republican governors and legislatures are pulling this stuff across the country. End the filibuster and pass the “For the People Act” before it’s too late.

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John Roberts’ Voter Suppression Innovations

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Congress could restore the Voting Rights Act if the Senate and White House are flipped. To make that happen, register everyone to vote and help them jump through all the hoops Republicans will put in their way.

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GOP Jury Duty

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Mitch’s shady late night impeachment shenanigans should clue people in to the G.O.P.’s project to undermine democracy, but if the last twenty years haven’t, I don’t know what will.

I thought nothing could be worse than drawing Ted Cruz during the 2016 primaries, but then he went and grew a teenager’s graying patchy beard.

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The Supreme Court Celebrates the Fourth

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Summers were more fun those years when the Supreme Court started them off with good news. The Voting Rights Act may be dead at the federal level, but registering as many people as possible to vote is still legal … at least until next summer.

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Disenfranchisement Stickers

Shelby v. Holder gave Republicans the green light to go hog wild on voter suppression. If their efforts can be overcome by huge turnout next week, one of the first things that should be done in the new Congress is to restore The Voting Rights Act to full force.

Preclearance was the only thing keeping these anti-democracy goons at bay.

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