Harvard’s Future Fellowships

Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government rescinded Chelsea Manning’s fellowship, but kept a bunch of goons.

The only prestigious honor I’d accept from Harvard is free double cheeseburgers from Charlie’s Kitchen.

Read the comic at Patreon.

Read the comic at The Nib.

Read the comic at GoComics.

Read the comic at DailyKos.

Republicans Reject Trump

Republicans Reject TrumpRepublicans are abandoning the Trump Train, and Clinton’s rolling out the welcome mat. I hope her tent is big enough to keep John Negroponte far away from wherever the Clinton campaign’s foreign policy is being written.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

The FBI’s Decrypted Device Files

Decrypted Device FilesThe FBI and our alphabet of intelligence agencies have been salivating over the prospect of an encryption back door for years. The San Bernardino shootings are just the most recent pretext to weaken privacy protections. Here’s a primer on the FBI vs. Apple fight that’s easy to read even for people who use a simple Jitterbug cellphone for the elderly.

Even assuming nothing but benevolence from our myriad government agencies, a back door created for them would eventually find its way into the hands of hackers and other governments.

Read the comic at The New York Times.