
Hate Month Gear

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After threats and cringey stunts from bigoted goobers, Target removed a bunch of items designed for Pride Month. They claimed it was for “employee safety” rather than caving to stochastic terrorism, but there’s no difference in practice. This follows Bud Light shamelessly backtracking on a promotion they did with a trans influencer. Now all of their beers are going to be covered in flags and Punisher skulls.

I hope everyone has a safe, wonderful and peaceful pride month (and life) except for cops, courts, and Republicans.

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The Monster Fash

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The Criterion Channel launched some great Halloween collections this week, the same week the Supreme Court began a new session. So I’ve been enjoying the escapism from real horrors with fictional ones.

Until the court’s expanded, or ignoring their unenforceable rulings becomes commonplace, these six freaks are going to do a lot of damage. (Unless two of them croak while a Democrat is President, before they say that’s unconstitutional.)

There are many, and far superior Halloween novelty songs than the Monster Mash, but it’s hard to top Werewolf Bar Mitzvah and Monster Fuck.

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The Power of Reactionary Thinking

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The Supreme Court dropped some more steaming fascist turds since the last time I did a cartoon about them. Unless the court gets packed, or an [REDACTED] or two happens before the November midterms, I don’t see how our rights can be clawed back within my lifetime without some super-legal actions.

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Fall TV Preview

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These T.V. shows I made up are still more informative than anything on cable news. I don’t watch any of it, yet somehow I’m aware that things are bad and getting worse.

Unlike what seems like everybody else, I’m still quarantining and soon it will be too cold to do that outside on long walks or the porch. So I’ll eventually look at cable news out of sheer boredom and immediately regret doing that.

If you don’t know what the numbers are above the show titles, ask your grandparents to show you a copy of their TV Guides.

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Chad Wolf’s Goon Squad!

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The regular cops are still wilding out, and adding the Republicans’ secret police to the mix right as pandemic relief expires is a recipe for (even more) disaster. Oh, and Democrats also voted to keep the Afghanistan War going on to its third decade. Fun week!

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Meet the Republican “Resistance”

When I said I was adjusting my production schedule, I didn’t intend for the comic to be this late. I wrote and started drawing a whole other comic about Trump’s North Korea bluster, but the events in Charlottesville rendered that tone deaf so I started from scratch.

I could’ve easily lumped many Democrats in with this faux-resistance crew, but this goes out to several publications that would’ve thrown the phony alt-left epithet at me and stopped sending me checks.

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