The Pacifists’ Playbook for Frustrating Fascists Recently updated !

With federal employees thrown into the chaos of this administration, a declassified CIA fascism sabotage guide has been making the rounds. Anyone who’s worked in an office setting should be familiar with these tactics. Instead of the one dumbass that’s employed in every office, it suggests everyone become one themselves. This is an excellent tactic when more overt methods can lead to immediate firings or worse.
If you’re not a pacifist, you could still use this advice to fight fascists, in addition to your fists. Theoretically. I don’t want to be accused of inciting anything against our dear fascist goons recently installed at the top levels of government who probably don’t yet know how to read this on the NSA’s computers.
I probably shouldn’t have used the obscure hockey term deke (a feint to cause your opponent to move in a desired direction) instead of American football’s play-actions, trick plays, sneaks etc. but I’m a sucker for alliteration. To use another Canadian term, sorry.
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