Monthly Archives: May 2024

Summer Movie Duds

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Apparently this year’s Memorial Day weekend movies were busts compared to last year’s. I’ll definitely check out Furiosa and the latest Apes as soon as they reach my living room cinema, which will probably be before this summer’s even close to being over.

The studios are trying to blame the strikes, but the problems were already there before the picket lines halted production. There are always these boom and bust cycles with movies, but studios used to weather them with diversified releases. Now it’s going on a quarter century of the same genre stuff or some nostalgia revival.

Now that the unofficial start of summer has passed, I had to get a Jaws reference in, and Richard Dreyfuss being a dick at a screening was a good excuse. I know the narrative reasons why Quint had to be eaten, but it was fun drawing Bruce chewing the shit out of Hooper instead.

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Samuel Alito’s Freak Flags

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Apologies for two SCOTUS cartoons this month, but these six goons effectively run the country, with the two other branches of government wielding about as much power as an elementary school’s model U.N. The court’s begun issuing this year’s decrees, with today’s stripping what little was left on the Voting Rights Act’s corpse after Shelby v. Holder.

If you haven’t heard about the Alitos’ coup-coup flags, they put up decorations that show aesthetically what Alito’s opinions have been saying explicitly for decades: He’s a Christofascist, just like the other five members of the court’s majority.

Until a meaningful solution to the right-wing court’s rule is offered by the Democrats, they’ll continue to chip away at every right gained since Reconstruction and maybe even further back until elections are rendered moot. Waiting for actuarial tables and hilarious accidents is not a policy solution; it’s already admitting defeat.

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Stupid Food Revue

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RFK Jr. getting a brain worm from undercooked pork (or the fecal matter of someone else who ate undercooked pork [YUM!]) coincides with people desperate to get raw milk in their guts, even with H5N1 floating around in it. That seemed like a jumping off point for some silly stuff in between my “We’re still descending deeper into fascism, gang!” comics.

Here are my opinions of every gag in this comic.

  • Raw Milk: May Louis Pasteur haunt everyone who drinks this while they’re shitting their brains out.
  • Lead Chips: Lead poisoning, while not totally eliminated, is far below its peak of ruining developing Boomer brains. Unfortunately those leaded brains are still running things, and now they also have dementia.
  • Gray Slop: A.I. is being added to everything because it’s the hot new buzzword. It’s turning the entirety of human knowledge and creativity into a thin gruel we’re all supposed to slurp up for shareholders’ benefit.
  • Sports Betting Bars: I’ve been watching hockey and basketball playoffs a lot, and the gambling content is insane. It’s terrible for those with gambling addiction, and inscrutable to us fans who just want to watch a puck and a ball bounce around.
  • Homemade Meal Kits: Everyone gets a pass during lockdown, but there are still so many of these on the stoops of my neighbors, who are all ostensibly adults. I like convenience! I get groceries and food delivered sometimes when I’m lazy! These kits can’t be saving much time by having someone else chop a few veggies for you plus shipping.

In the interest of full disclosure, I’m getting takeout tomorrow night cause I’m too lazy to do food prep.

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The Founding Fetus Society

Read the comic at In These Times.

I have an exclusive comic in last month’s In These Times magazine, and it’s now online here, along with colleagues you probably know from The Nib. I just finished another for the upcoming issue. I’ll post a link here as soon as it’s online.

This is obviously about the Federalist Society’s takeover of the courts. Something that has already happened and the only “reasonable” solution the Democrats will endorse is “wait for them all to die in 30-50 years.” Not great!

Read the comic at In These Times.

Kennedy/Brain Worm

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It was reported this week that in a deposition, RFK Jr. claimed a brain parasite (and mercury poisoning) limited his ability to pay alimony. This is the kind of sound medical reasoning you’d expect from one of the most prominent anti-vaxxers who has encouraged the current resurgence of formerly preventable diseases, and stopped COVID vaccine uptake right when it needed to be ramped up.

As a third party candidate, RFK Jr.’s filling in the weirdo/crank void left by the late Lyndon LaRouche. If Kennedy can somehow siphon enough votes in the few counties that matter electorally to flip the result, that’s more of an indictment on the Democrats’ failure to run up huge margins in what should be the THIRD layup election against Trump. Especially when the alleged “spoiler” candidate is a literal quack with brain worms.

I wish there were viable third, fourth, etc. parties in this country. That could result in more parliamentary-style coalition building in Congress. They’d have to start running for offices lower on the ticket than president though, and none of these vanity presidential campaigns seem interested in doing anything like real political work.

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Supreme Court Fortune-Telling

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The Supreme Court is going to do more bad things this session. Lots of people whose careers depend on covering the court will pretend the outcomes aren’t predictable, telegraphed, outcomes from the right-wing majority, but the results of complicated legal reasonings only law-knowers can understand.

This court sucks, has been wreaking havoc on the nation for the better part of a quarter century, and until the Democrats actually try mitigating the power the courts have accumulated, the rest of the century’s not looking any better. But don’t be uncivil about it. The important thing is that they’re all friends.

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