
Kennedy/Brain Worm

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It was reported this week that in a deposition, RFK Jr. claimed a brain parasite (and mercury poisoning) limited his ability to pay alimony. This is the kind of sound medical reasoning you’d expect from one of the most prominent anti-vaxxers who has encouraged the current resurgence of formerly preventable diseases, and stopped COVID vaccine uptake right when it needed to be ramped up.

As a third party candidate, RFK Jr.’s filling in the weirdo/crank void left by the late Lyndon LaRouche. If Kennedy can somehow siphon enough votes in the few counties that matter electorally to flip the result, that’s more of an indictment on the Democrats’ failure to run up huge margins in what should be the THIRD layup election against Trump. Especially when the alleged “spoiler” candidate is a literal quack with brain worms.

I wish there were viable third, fourth, etc. parties in this country. That could result in more parliamentary-style coalition building in Congress. They’d have to start running for offices lower on the ticket than president though, and none of these vanity presidential campaigns seem interested in doing anything like real political work.

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Medical Maladies

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It’s the fourth anniversary of COVID lockdown, and to celebrate people are spreading measles, norovirus and everything else more hygienic generations had virtually eradicated. The other panels are about other news things you’ve probably heard about, unless you’re a frozen embryo who suddenly became a “person” because of some idiot judge(s).

With the charade of the primaries all but over, it’s general election season. It will be even dumber than the last one. I will try to ignore it for as long as possible.

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Influencers to Avoid

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I’m old and don’t regularly use the same social media that the kids do. I only glean bits and pieces that bleed over to the older, nerdier enclaves of Bluesky and Mastodon, or when YouTube’s terrible algorithm tries to push garbage on me while I’m watching old clips of Max Headroom.

The Non-Fungible-Tumbler refers to the current Stanley Cup fad, which I only heard about recently from a million hacky hockey jokes. Apparently grown-ass adults are collecting these things as status symbols like they’re Starter jackets in the ’90s. At least they exist, unlike NFTs.

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RFK Jr.’s Kennedy Conspiracies

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RFK Jr.’s been an anti-vaccine crank for decades and his primary challenge to Biden is ostensibly meant to appeal to Democratic primary voters, but he’s been doing nothing but indistinguishing himself from your average right-winger who spends too much time online.

He recently said some pretty heinous shit about Jews and China regarding COVID and even his family had to denounce him. Kennedy influence is finally waning in Massachusetts with this generation of nepo babies, and the the number of voters that instinctively check the box with that name next to it is shrinking every day. Thanks in part to RFK Jr.’s active role in killing vulnerable people with his COVID misinformation.

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COVID’s Over* Party Supplies

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The public health emergency for the pandemic ended today. The pandemic hasn’t. Testing’s now going to be even more of an expensive pain-in-the-ass, which means no one will do it unless absolutely necessary, including myself!

A thousand people are still dying a week in the US, but the government really gave up after that first omicron surge in late ’21, early ’22. We’ve normalized accepting deaths below those numbers.

Transmission numbers are low, and the weather’s good for ventilation now, but we’re not collecting any more data for individuals to make informed decisions when things get worse. And if the last 3+ years proved anything, it’s that they will.

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Bivalent Boosters

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I had a bivalent booster shot scheduled this week, but it was canceled the night before due to shortages. Fingers crossed that my rescheduled appointment has the booster juice next week.

The rollout for this round of boosters is atrocious. It wasn’t great last fall, with only 30% of those eligible getting one; and that winter saw omicron and a peak of 4,000+ deaths a day in January. Maybe the plan to let everyone get it and let eugenics do the rest will mean less death this time around, but whistling past a million dead to get back to “normal” has let out the sociopath in all of us.

Get the booster, wear a mask in enclosed public spaces, and get the flu shot too. There are still people who can’t do any that who are relying on the rest of society to create an environment that’s safe enough for them to return to.

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Holidays at the White House

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Legislation may be out of Biden’s control, although he’s chosen to not make any offers or demands to Manchin and Sinema to get them on board. But it is absolutely within his power to waive vaccine patents and slow down yet another variant.

He can also cancel student debt and stop abusing immigrants with the flick of an executive order. And Santa can see that he hasn’t.

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Booster Shot Thoughts

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I got a Moderna booster with a flu shot chaser on Sunday. The first two Pfizer doses barely affected me at all, but that combo wiped me out on Monday. Nothing too bad, but as someone who’s written and drawn dozens of comics during colds and flus, this was the first time I couldn’t whip something up. Jokes will keep coming, just like the parade of bummers this country keeps heaping on us. 

Stay safe out there whether you’re travelling or not. A lot of unvaccinated dummies are going to make this winter worse than last.

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