gun control

Assault Rifle Accessories

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Nothing’s happening with gun control in this country. Mass shootings will continue at their horrendous pace throughout my life. That’s not exactly a “funny” message to put in a cartoon, so I drew a Fleshlight on the the end of an AR-15. Helped me forget about dead mangled kids in a puddle of their own blood for a second.

We all have different and valid ways to cope with the rapid decline of the United States.

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Monuments to Gun “Culture”

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Usually the news cycle moves on a week after a tragedy, but since Congress is still on vacation, there’s not much new news. The Uvalde police continue to look guilty of dereliction of duty as they refuse to cooperate with investigators. Which puts everybody who kissed cop butt over the last two years in a tricky spot.

Marches and protests against gun violence are planned across the country next weekend. Given what happened in 2020, I’m not expecting anything to happen, but the outrage at our leaders’ inaction is only growing.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
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Spring Book Bargains

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A shoe’s not at the center of a culture war … yet. Give it a day or two.

I’ve been reading short story anthologies during quarantine to keep things light. I just finished an Asimov one, but the next book on my nightstand is “The Grapes of Wrath.” That should be some good escapist fun that has nothing to do with our current situation.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
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Read the comic on Daily Kos.

Tainted Halloween Treats

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The annual “Marijuana Candy” panic has already started on our garbage local news. Having waited in line forever at the Brookline recreational place, I’m not inclined to give that stuff to friends, let alone random kids.

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White Nationalist Terror Defense Kit

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Doing a comic about the Democratic primary last week was a brief respite from covering the white supremacist domestic and state terror that happens every single day. As much as John Delaney sucks and Joe Biden gaffes his way to a repeat of 2016, it’s small potatoes compared to the pogroms that are going on.

Read the comic on Patreon.
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Read the comic on Daily Kos.

Semi-Automatic Excuses

Speaking of excuses, I’m late on everything this week because I’m sick with a bad cold. At least it’s not round 2 of the flu, which I was unlucky enough to catch in December.

Getting sick as a freelancer is the worst. There are still deadlines to meet unless you want to throw income in the trash.

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Read the comic on DailyKos.