
Trump vs. the Postal Service

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On top of the current crisis and depression, the Post Office has an insane requirement to fund its pensions 75 years into the future. Eliminate that, add postal banking while you’re at it, and it’ll be able to help us all survive the next several months of quarantine.

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Quarantine TV

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Not only are we under house arrest, it’s been cold and rainy for most of the quarantine so far. Without being able to escape to our triple decker’s balconies, my wife and I are watching A LOT of T.V. The commercials that are about the pandemic are the worst part. And that’s even including Tiger King.

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Quack COVID-19 Cures

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I don’t recommend ingesting aquarium cleaner, but the little diving guy with the bubbles coming out of his helmet is better suited to manage this crisis than Republicans.

Week three of quarantine saw more stuff shut down, and a bunch of people lose their jobs. A lot of people are in denial, and will probably stay there until footage of bodies stacked in unused hockey rinks become common. Grim times! But I’ll keep drawing jokes to pay for that next bag of beans.

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Mitch McConnell’s Antisocial Distancing

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Hope you and your loved ones are all safe. My wife’s been able to work from home, so we’re lucky. We left the house once for a walk around Franklin Park in Boston. Everyone observed good social distancing practices.

We’ve also been doing daily video chats with my parents, trying to keep their spirits up while they’re stuck at home.

A huge thanks to everyone who works in the service industry. They deserve so much more than $15 an hour. Every pandemic profiteer should have their ill-gotten gains taken away and given to every clerk and delivery person who’s keeping 300 million panicky people fed.

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Dr. Trump’s Pandemic Prescription

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The coronavirus and its subsequent freakout has spread further since I drew this comic. Having a functional government as it spreads would certainly help ease some of the anxiety.

The best advice I can give is to wash your hands, cough/sneeze into your elbow, and don’t be a racist. Chinatowns across the country have been suffering since the first reports came out. I’m selfishly enjoying the lack of crowds at dim-sum, but I can’t support those restaurants all on my own.

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Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.