
A Warning from the Candy Cops

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Every October, the cops trot out a PR campaign about the dangers of marijuana edibles to trick-or-treaters, and the local news dutifully covers it.

No one is giving kids their edibles. Getting hit by a car is a far more likely danger to kids on Halloween and every day.

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Read the comic on Daily Kos.

Tainted Halloween Treats

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The annual “Marijuana Candy” panic has already started on our garbage local news. Having waited in line forever at the Brookline recreational place, I’m not inclined to give that stuff to friends, let alone random kids.

Read the comic on Patreon.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.

America at War: With Bill O’Reilly

America at War: With Bill O'ReillyBill O’Reilly was caught in a lie. No, not that one. Or that one. Or the whole sexual harassment loofah thing. This is not really news. Brian Williams being a fabulist was a little more surprising, but not really. Network and cable news are pretty much infotainment anchored by narcissists.

Meanwhile, there’s been no comeuppance for the liars that got us into the Iraq War. In fact, many of the same warmongers are itching to get us into another war with Iran. And Benjamin Netanyahu is more than willing to give them an assist with this week’s bizarre address to Congress.

Read the comic at The New York Times.