Josh Hawley

Assault Rifle Accessories

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Nothing’s happening with gun control in this country. Mass shootings will continue at their horrendous pace throughout my life. That’s not exactly a “funny” message to put in a cartoon, so I drew a Fleshlight on the the end of an AR-15. Helped me forget about dead mangled kids in a puddle of their own blood for a second.

We all have different and valid ways to cope with the rapid decline of the United States.

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Senate Hearing Content Warnings

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I only watched clips and read articles about the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson. A gross spectacle that I don’t know how anyone managed to watch it all, let alone participate in it like Brown Jackson was forced too.

After the run of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, there’s no more pretense of the Supreme Court being above the fray. That ended with Bush v. Gore for me.

Hopefully Brown Jackson gets confirmed. Meanwhile, I’m eagerly refreshing Clarence Thomas news.

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Coupversary Gifts

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While obviously not the worst thing about 2021 by far, “Choo-choo” the Herky Jerky Dancer from Mr. Show participating in Trump’s coup attempt really sums up the year that would follow. Seemingly normal Americans hellbent on making the most destructive and selfish choices that made all our lives worse.

See you in 2022 for more of the same.

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Republicans’ Uncritical Race Stories

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The latest culture war Republicans came up with to distract from their obstruction is yet another racist dog whistle. And this one also lets them scaremonger about elitist college professors and students.

Opposing this horseshit is usually a waste of time to distract from talking about popular issues that would make Republicans look bad. But when it turns into actual fascist laws like Florida’s Mandatory College Ideology Registration, I dunno. I don’t think we’re gonna argue or even vote our way out of this descent into fascism.

Anyway, Have a Summah!

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Republican Couphemisms

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The riot/insurrection/coup by the MAGA mob was very bad, but what was even worse are the members of Congress who voted to throw out the election results to pander to that mob.

They must be expelled or we’re in for four years of escalations and mob violence. Sorry to put a downer on any virtual Inauguration parties you’re planning next week.

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