Chuck Schumer

2024 Congressional Schedule

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The new year has begun and so has the countdown to 24/7 election talk. Not here, though. Getting it out early while we’re all shaking off holiday hangovers and/or the latest covid surge.

I won’t keep harping on Mike Johnson and Republicans actively wanting to do a coup, that’s a well-known fact. But Schumer (and Biden) have wasted the past three years on the mixed-messaging of praising bipartisanship and working with Republicans while simultaneously claiming they’re an imminent threat to democracy. Gotta sharpen up the contrasts for the low-information dum-dums who have all our fates in their simple, fickle hands.

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Chuck Schumer’s Senate Schedule

Chuck Schumer holding a Senate schedule.
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Democrats secured another Senate seat this week and that should improve the confirmation and committee process over there. But the House is in Republican hands, so we’ll be lucky if a bare bones funding bill can get through both chambers before another financial crisis.

My meta-commentary about 2024 isn’t technically about 2024, but consider me part of the problem.

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Coming Distractions

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I caught COVID last Friday. I’m vaxed, boosted, and I don’t go unmasked indoors. My best contact tracing puts me getting it at the bodega from an unmasked patron or employee.

I woke up Saturday morning with a painful sore throat, and immediately took a home test that turned positive as soon as the drop hit the strip. It quickly mellowed to a very minor cough over the weekend and early in the week.

I feel fine now and I’m about to take a test to see if I’m clear to leave home office quarantine. I’m not keen on getting reinfected or long-COVID, so watching everyone carry on like the pandemic’s over is insanity-inducing. Especially as boosters wane and variants keep multiplying.

Waiting 45 days to see a new movie is no problem for me.

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Quick Fixes for the Supreme Court

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The repealing of Roe v. Wade was inevitable when Anthony Kennedy mysteriously retired. I’d love for the reason for that, or the identity of Kavanaugh’s debt-absolving benefactors to be leaked, too. Leaving Merrick Garland’s nomination to die on the vine and RBG dying for real were just gravy for the forced-birth freaks.

If this further overreach by Republicans goes without massive protests, the next coup’s going to make Bush v. Gore look like a sound legal opinion.

I didn’t draw or write anything illegal in the redacted panels, by the way. They are “Pray the Court Away,” and “A Vote Makes the Court Go Away!” if any FBI agent is asking.

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Justice Breyer, the Scrivener

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I’m not usually an optimist, but the balance of the Supreme Court is just a Clarence coronary and a Kavanaugh DUI fatality away from being restored. Those odds are diminished if Breyer pulls an Anthony Kennedy and sticks around to let a Republican president pay off his kids’ debts for the opportunity to appoint his successor.

Maybe it’s ageist, but the last time hoping an ancient justice clung to life didn’t work out so well. Breyer can do whatever it is Sandra Day O’Connor’s been up to. (Just Googled, she’s still alive at 91.)

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Coronaversary Cards

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The first anniversary gift is paper, and hopefully we’ll all be vaccinated by the second.

A whole year and over half a million dead because we couldn’t pay people to stay home and businesses to close last March. Senseless. Even with the end potentially in sight, governors are opening up their states for more surges, while the new Congress and President kiss centrists’ butts to water down a relief bill that was already too little, too late.

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The Senate’s Suicide Squad

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There’s plenty of obstruction from Republicans. No need for a Sabotage Caucus to help find “common ground” with the same people who tried to have them murdered three weeks ago.

Democrats have ostensibly had the majority in the Senate for a week now, and Republicans are still in charge of committees because Chuck and this bunch are too chicken to use the power voters and volunteers gave them.

Every week where nothing’s done is another week closer to the 2022 midterms. The pandemic death toll will keep climbing as people have to work even while the Senate isn’t. “Not Trump” isn’t going push them over the finish line this time.

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