
Bivalent Boosters

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I had a bivalent booster shot scheduled this week, but it was canceled the night before due to shortages. Fingers crossed that my rescheduled appointment has the booster juice next week.

The rollout for this round of boosters is atrocious. It wasn’t great last fall, with only 30% of those eligible getting one; and that winter saw omicron and a peak of 4,000+ deaths a day in January. Maybe the plan to let everyone get it and let eugenics do the rest will mean less death this time around, but whistling past a million dead to get back to “normal” has let out the sociopath in all of us.

Get the booster, wear a mask in enclosed public spaces, and get the flu shot too. There are still people who can’t do any that who are relying on the rest of society to create an environment that’s safe enough for them to return to.

Read the comic on Patreon.
Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.