Ben Carson

Donald Trump’s Cabinet of Grifters

They made Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm to avoid even the whiff of corruption, but now it’s cool that the entire administration is taking money right out of the government till for luxury bullshit.

I also did a headline comic for The Nib about Scott Pruitt’s extravagant phone booth.

Read the comic at Patreon.

Read the comic at Daily Kos.

Read the comic at GoComics.

Trump’s Newest Cabinet Picks

Every pick Trump (or Pence, most likely) has made for his cabinet is the person most likely to eliminate the department they’re going to be running. Grover Norquist’s vision of drowning the government in the bathtub is about to come true, and even the water in the tub is likely to be poison without the EPA around.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

Ben Carson’s Blunderful World

Ben Carson's Blunderful WorldBen Carson has a zany theory about the pyramids. Even if you interpret everything in the Bible literally, you have to make some pretty giant leaps to get the idea that Joseph built the pyramids to store the Pharaoh’s grain. But facts aren’t really important to anybody running for the Republican nomination.

For some reason the permalink page to this week’s comic isn’t working, so you have to read the comic in the NYT’s slideshow.

The G.O.P.’s Anti-Immigrant Stupor

Anti-Immigrant StuporWith Trump leading Republican polls with a full-blown racist nationalist platform of slurs and insults, the rest of the field is following his lead and it’s ugly. Stripped of the dog whistles and coded language employed by Republicans for decades, the hatefulness of that party toward immigrants is now obvious to anyone, especially those who will be voting in the general election.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

G.O.P. Stunts for the Spotlight

Stunts for the SpotlightThe election is still very far away, and Donald Trump is sucking up all the media oxygen from every other candidate. He’s also leading the Republican field in the polls, which is hilarious. Claims that Trump is more extreme than his peers are untrue. He’s just not using the dog whistles and Luntz-speak to apply a veneer of respectability to his terrible impulses and “ideas.”

As a Star Trek nerd, I was deeply offended that Ted Cruz thinks Captain Kirk would be a Republican. Not only is this untrue, but Star Trek depicts a futuristic socialist interstellar government that has advanced beyond capitalism. Thankfully, Shatner shut him down:

Read the comic at The New York Times.

I encourage you to check out The Nib’s Kickstarter. They’re making a big-ass book, including some of the cartoons I’ve done for them. I’ve offered up some original art from my Big Fat Whale days (I’m all digital now, so theses are rare.) as a donor gift. Check it out!