
Kevin McCarthy’s Anti-American Agenda

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Results are shaking out from last week’s election, and the Republicans will get a thin majority in the House, thanks mostly to New York Democrats rather than anything appealing offered by the GOP. Of course, if the Coup Caucus was expelled, and thorough impeachment trials were held, things probably never would’ve been this close.

So now we get another two years of debt ceiling crises, hearings about nothing, and nonstop coverage of Trump’s rallies now that he’s officially declared what we all knew he was gonna do.

At least the Senate didn’t change hands, so non-Federalist Society judges can get confirmed for two more years. Fingers crossed Ginni spills lube all over her and Clarence’s bathroom before time runs out on that too.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
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Crabs in a Basket in a Focus Group

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We can’t have nice things because of the “I got mine!” crowd, and their more pathetic “I didn’t get mine and neither should anyone!” brethren.

But they also get me thinking about crab mentality, which leads me to craving those delicious sea bugs. So maybe they’re not all bad.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
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Republicans’ Safety Net Cuts

Republicans' Safety Net CutsWith a unified government, the Republicans can kill the last vestiges of the New Deal that survived Reaganomics and austerity. All of these programs are essential and help millions, but they are far from perfect. A smart opposition party would fight to expand and improve them.

Read the comic at The New York Times.