Forgot to post this here over the holiday. Apologies!
Short week for Thanksgiving, even though I’m not traveling. COVID, flu, RSV, and even our dear old pal the common cold will be. Stay healthy out there.
My wife and I were sitting on our back porch when the election was called. Lots of hootin’, hollerin’, and horn blowin’ ensued in the neighborhood. Saturday’s celebrations were a collective relief of getting rid of Trump, and also every craven barnacle that attached themselves to him. Starting with Pence all the way down to all the freaks of the week I’ve drawn over the last four years.
There’s still over two months for them to do a lot of damage, and the pandemic’s soared to uncharted horrors, but we’ll always have last Saturday and Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
I don’t recommend ingesting aquarium cleaner, but the little diving guy with the bubbles coming out of his helmet is better suited to manage this crisis than Republicans.
Week three of quarantine saw more stuff shut down, and a bunch of people lose their jobs. A lot of people are in denial, and will probably stay there until footage of bodies stacked in unused hockey rinks become common. Grim times! But I’ll keep drawing jokes to pay for that next bag of beans.
The coronavirus and its subsequent freakout has spread further since I drew this comic. Having a functional government as it spreads would certainly help ease some of the anxiety.
The best advice I can give is to wash your hands, cough/sneeze into your elbow, and don’t be a racist. Chinatowns across the country have been suffering since the first reports came out. I’m selfishly enjoying the lack of crowds at dim-sum, but I can’t support those restaurants all on my own.
Roger Stone’s weird obsession with Nixonalia gave me practice drawing Nixon over the last few years. But I still hear Nixon’s voice as the one from Futurama. AROOO!
Pence is traveling to every Trump property, daring anyone to do something about this administration’s violations of the Emoluments Clause. Maybe they’re waiting to nail Trump on weather map fraud instead.
This is the first time I’ve drawn Pence in consecutive weeks since 2016. Hell is a flat circle.