Stephen Miller Overhauls the Department of Homeland Security

Read the comic at The Nib.

With Kirstjen Nielsen Nazi ass out on the curb, Stephen Miller has free reign to shape this administration’s reign of terror on immigrants. A truly dispicable toad. I honestly can’t believe he’s still around when Steve Bannon got bounce so early.

Speaking of now-former secretary Nielsen, here’s a headline cartoon I did for The Nib just before she announced her resignation:

Read the comic at The Nib.

It’s probably because he’s been largely out of the spotlight, but now that the media starting to point out he’s the racist wizard behind Trump’s curtain, Trump will certainly bristle at the idea he’s not in charge.

Read this comic only at The Nib.

How to Have a Patriotic 4th of July

This is June’s exclusive comic for patrons who pledge $5 or more a month. Subscribe today and help me out!

When I woke up, I wasn’t sure what this month’s exclusive would be about, let alone if I’d get it in before July came around. But after I tweeted this this morning, it all came together.

Despite being a freelancer with no vacation time, summer’s my favorite time of year. But the world is shit and sipping beer by the ocean fills me with more guilt than good vibes nowadays.

Read this comic only on Patreon.