Green New Deal

Energy Crisis Tips

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I know there’s wildfires, heat waves and brutal droughts out west, but up here it’s time to dig out the toques and winter coats. Energy costs are expected to surge (Thanks in part to OPEC, who REALLY want to influence the midterms) and everyone in colder climates who isn’t rich is going to suffer.

We’ve avoided the first frost by slim margins so far, but eventually it’s going to be the end of my pandemic jalapenos third growing season, and I’ll have to bring them inside for another New England winter. At least the frost will kill the mosquitos first.

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The Texas GOP’s Climate Emergency Tips

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Hoping for a quick recovery to everyone in Texas except these guys!

I’ve lived in the Mid-Atlantic and even they don’t have the infrastructure to deal with snow or a prolonged cold snap, so what’s happening in the South is extra-horrifying. Add that to Texas’ electric grid being isolated from the rest of the country to escape regulations, and yikes. This is Katrina levels bad, with a year-long pandemic to boot.

5.6 million Texans voted for Biden, more than in any state in Northeast. I tried to focus my smug disdain solely on the politicians and corporations responsible, and not the people who are suffering.

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Massachusetts, Vote for Ed Markey

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The pandemic has proved that we need leaders who have plans for disasters before they happen, and Senator Markey’s been leading the way on preventing climate disaster before it’s too late, even before co-authoring the Green New Deal. He’s also more progressive than his opponent, much more than the mainstream media is leading voters to believe.

Joe has a famous last name, but even that can’t paper over his work for incarceration-happy DAs, keeping marijuana illegal so cops have a pretext to detain minorities, and “accidentally” voting to give Trump more nukes. A xerox of a mimeograph of a carbon copy of a Kennedy might be enough to get the nostalgia vote, but most of us are worried about the future, not wistful for a dynasty of the past.

Ol’ Dynasty Joe Kennedy III was also a member of a racist fraternity that explicitly claims Robert E. Lee as its “spiritual founder” until denouncing them just before launching this entitled senate bid … if he even denounced them. I was not a member of a billionaire family, yet I somehow managed to avoid joining a Confederate cosplay frat to find housing in college. It’s sketchy as hell, especially considering his work for and endorsements of hard-line district attorneys who seek to increase policing and incarceration of communities of color. If you find it as disqualifying as I do, sign this petition.

Register to vote and apply for an absentee ballot today. Our shitty Secretary of State makes it hard to vote, so you have to apply, even though there’s a fucking pandemic.

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Mitch McConnell’s Antisocial Distancing

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Hope you and your loved ones are all safe. My wife’s been able to work from home, so we’re lucky. We left the house once for a walk around Franklin Park in Boston. Everyone observed good social distancing practices.

We’ve also been doing daily video chats with my parents, trying to keep their spirits up while they’re stuck at home.

A huge thanks to everyone who works in the service industry. They deserve so much more than $15 an hour. Every pandemic profiteer should have their ill-gotten gains taken away and given to every clerk and delivery person who’s keeping 300 million panicky people fed.

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Mitch’s Green Raw Deal

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There is a national, global emergency called climate change, and the Green New Deal actually addresses it. Unfortunately Mitch McConnell is Senate Majority Leader and doesn’t care because he’ll be dead soon. (Actuarilly speaking, not a threat.)

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