Monthly Archives: March 2024

NBC’s Pundit Search

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NBC hired former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel for a few minutes before rescinding the offer after employees and viewers voiced their disgust with having a coup-enabler on TV to lie about another election. The problem they and every other news outlet has is that there are no more mainstream Republicans who oppose doing another coup.

So they either have to point this out, or pretend the guy who’s been at the top of the Republican ticket for nearly a decade now is some weird aberration, instead of the standard-bearer of America’s fascist party. Presenting the fiction probably makes selling ads a lot easier.

Only a little more than six months for NBC and the rest of the media to figure out that both-sides-ing fascism won’t save them.

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Flea Marketplace of Ideas

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A lot of right-wing chuds assume their right to free speech means they have a right to say whatever they want to a captive audience everywhere they go. And if someone uses their own free speech to tell them to fuck off, they whine about cancel culture until they get a glowing profile in the New York Times.

Deplatforming works. Anyone claiming they can defeat racism, fascism, or any form of extremism through honest debate is either stupid or a collaborator. People spewing those views need to be ostracized from society. Humoring them just gives them oxygen and drags that poor Overton Window so far to the right it causes the entire house to collapse.

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The Tesla Death Trap!

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A Tesla killed Mitch McConnell’s billionaire sister-in-law. It’s a tragedy … that she wasn’t driving with him at the time. The circumstances that caused that accident (and the countless other accidents) revealed a lot of Tesla “features” that ensure I’ll never set foot in one. Shifting gears via touchscreen, doors that require disassembly if the power fails, spontaneous battery combustion, the list goes on.

Everyone now knows Elon Musk is a drug-addled racist, and America’s full of ’em, but this one happens to be a billionaire who gets a ton of subsidies from the government and has access to a lot of its military and space infrastructure. He also controls the former Twitter, which most governmental officials and public figures still use despite it turning into a hub of stochastic terrorism and the worst jokes you’ve ever seen.

Hopefully my view of the eclipse next month isn’t spoiled by his shitty satellites.

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Medical Maladies

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It’s the fourth anniversary of COVID lockdown, and to celebrate people are spreading measles, norovirus and everything else more hygienic generations had virtually eradicated. The other panels are about other news things you’ve probably heard about, unless you’re a frozen embryo who suddenly became a “person” because of some idiot judge(s).

With the charade of the primaries all but over, it’s general election season. It will be even dumber than the last one. I will try to ignore it for as long as possible.

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Pleas from the President

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It’ll soon be six months since Israel’s revenge campaign in Gaza began with the US government funding and cheering it on the entire time. Now that the horrors and atrocities are starting to be reflected in the polls, the calls of “Trump is worse!” to deflect criticism of Biden are getting louder.

Of course, Trump is worse than Biden. But genocide is happening now. Waiting for an election to be over before demanding an end to a slaughter is a sign of a craven politics brain.

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