Monthly Archives: May 2017

Sean Hannity’s Impromptu Vacation

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Advertisers started bailing on Sean Hannity’s show after he started peddling some baseless conspiracy theories about a DNC staffer who died. Hannity claims he’ll be returning to pollute the airwaves, so it’s not quite as wonderful as Bill O’Reilly’s banishment from Fox News.

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Pick Your Health Care Plan

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While the American Health Care Act passed the House, and waits for the Senate to do something with it, the funding that keeps Obamacare running is being pulled to justify its repeal. Despite its clunkiness, the Affordable Care Act was a vast improvement over what we had before.

Romneycare, which became Obamacare nationwide, provided me with affordable health insurance that I previously didn’t have access to as a freelancer. But last year I fell into the trap of making just enough money to lose the subsidies, and now I’m paying over $300 a month so some insurance company CEO can rake in millions. And that’s in Massachusetts, where  enough insurance companies are in the markets to offer competitive pricing.

Maybe single-payer isn’t politically possible yet, but we’ll never get there if politicians keep shrugging their shoulders and ruling it out before even trying. Both Ryan Cooper and Emma Roller make a convincing case that the time for single-payer is now.

Finally, screw Joe Lieberman for killing the public option.

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Washington Witch Hunt

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Trump bitched and moaned on Twitter about being the victim of the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American History. It’s a shitty analogy, since witch hunts are baseless, because witches don’t exist.I live close to Salem, Mass., which has built a cottage industry around witch tourism. All the Wiccan parties up there tend to gloss over the fact that those persecuted in the witch trials were normal and it was their accusers who believed in the witch nonsense.

For accuracy, I was going to include the old-timey long s in the title, Waſhington Witch Hunt, but that would be a pain to type every time I promote this comic on social media.

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James Comey’s Future Career Plans

James Comey’s firing is very shady and will probably result in many hearings, and maybe even legal action if the Democrats can get their shit together and win some elections.

But let’s not forget that Comey’s FBI sucks shit, too. Here’s a comic I did when he tried to strong-arm Apple in decrypting their phones after the San Bernardino shootings. And here’s one from that time he arguably tanked the thin margin Hillary Clinton had going into the week before the election.

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Bad Bleacher Behavior

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If you don’t live in Boston or follow sports, you might not be aware that Orioles’ player Adam Jones was pelted with peanuts and racist slurs at Fenway Park Monday night.

I happened to be at that game, and didn’t learn about the incidents (plural, since the peanuts and slurs were slung from different parts of the park) until the next day. A lot of Boston sports media and their callers and commenters became defensive idiots, with some even accusing Jones of making the whole thing up.

I believe Jones because I’ve been to Fenway more times than I can count and heard awful shit said in the bleachers and elsewhere in the park. I’ve also been to stadiums in other cities to know none are without racist and homophobic assholes.

Boston fans get famously defensive when things like this happen, which is not a good look. My fellow fans and the media should take a page from the Red Sox organization and condemn the racists in our midst and make them feel unwelcome. And if that doesn’t work, invite Antifa and Black Bloc on your next trip to Friendly Fenway.

As for the NYTimes’ newest columnist, Bret Stephens, his climate change denial is terrible and has no place in any publication that pitches itself with the slogan “The truth is more important now than ever.” But his bigoted “Disease of the Arab mind” comment should disqualify him from being published anywhere outside of 4chan message boards.

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