James Comey

Washington Witch Hunt

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Trump bitched and moaned on Twitter about being the victim of the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American History. It’s a shitty analogy, since witch hunts are baseless, because witches don’t exist.I live close to Salem, Mass., which has built a cottage industry around witch tourism. All the Wiccan parties up there tend to gloss over the fact that those persecuted in the witch trials were normal and it was their accusers who believed in the witch nonsense.

For accuracy, I was going to include the old-timey long s in the title, Waſhington Witch Hunt, but that would be a pain to type every time I promote this comic on social media.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Read the comic on AlterNet.

Read the comic on DailyKos.

James Comey’s Future Career Plans

James Comey’s firing is very shady and will probably result in many hearings, and maybe even legal action if the Democrats can get their shit together and win some elections.

But let’s not forget that Comey’s FBI sucks shit, too. Here’s a comic I did when he tried to strong-arm Apple in decrypting their phones after the San Bernardino shootings. And here’s one from that time he arguably tanked the thin margin Hillary Clinton had going into the week before the election.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Read the comic on AlterNet.

Read the comic on DailyKos.

The FBI’s Decrypted Device Files

Decrypted Device FilesThe FBI and our alphabet of intelligence agencies have been salivating over the prospect of an encryption back door for years. The San Bernardino shootings are just the most recent pretext to weaken privacy protections. Here’s a primer on the FBI vs. Apple fight that’s easy to read even for people who use a simple Jitterbug cellphone for the elderly.

Even assuming nothing but benevolence from our myriad government agencies, a back door created for them would eventually find its way into the hands of hackers and other governments.

Read the comic at The New York Times.