Martin Shkreli

Harvard’s Future Fellowships

Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government rescinded Chelsea Manning’s fellowship, but kept a bunch of goons.

The only prestigious honor I’d accept from Harvard is free double cheeseburgers from Charlie’s Kitchen.

Read the comic at Patreon.

Read the comic at The Nib.

Read the comic at GoComics.

Read the comic at DailyKos.

Conservatives Cure the Zika Virus

Conservatives Cure the Zika VirusThe Senate passed a not-great, but decent bill to address the threat of the Zika virus. The House version is garbage and uses the public health crisis mostly as a means to relax regulations on pesticides. By the time the House and Senate bills are reconciled, it will be too late to do anything meaningful, since mosquito season is already in full swing.

Read the comic at the New York Times.