Congress’s Climate Quack

Marjorie Taylor Greene is saying more stupid, hateful shit, and it’s arguably not even the worst of the lies going around about the recent hurricanes and relief efforts. It’s especially demented to scapegoat innocent people when there are real humans to blame in the fossil fuel industry who’ve been denying what their own scientists have been saying about climate change for over forty years.
The climate crisis is here and now that denial won’t work, the conspiracy theories are going to do even more of the heavy lifting to stop what’s necessary to mitigate any of it; not to mention what they’ll do to otherize people forced to flee the next disaster or the countless ones that will follow.
Progress is being made though! The poorly named Inflation Reduction Act has done a lot to boost the already booming renewable energy industry. We just have to find a way to stop all those gains from going to A.I. so it can give dweebs a picture of Smurfette with big boobs.
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