
Coronaversary Cards

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The first anniversary gift is paper, and hopefully we’ll all be vaccinated by the second.

A whole year and over half a million dead because we couldn’t pay people to stay home and businesses to close last March. Senseless. Even with the end potentially in sight, governors are opening up their states for more surges, while the new Congress and President kiss centrists’ butts to water down a relief bill that was already too little, too late.

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Mitchadamus’ 2021 Predictions

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Happy New Year to everyone except Mitch McConnell.

Hopefully Georgia can get rid of this man’s constant appearances in my comics. It takes forever to color this decaying monster. I have more hope for Warnock’s chances than Ossoff’s, but here’s hoping Warnock’s coattails are big enough.

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Lifestyles of a Stimulusaire

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Lots of early deadlines because of the holiday, so I was working ahead. A paltry $600 stimulus check seemed to be all that was in the cards for weeks, until President Dipshit tweeted last night, seemingly bringing $2000 back on the table. (Broken clock, etc.)

I reworked it a bit to reflect a potential slight increase, but the overall point still stands. Billionaires have gotten obscenely wealthy during this pandemic, while politicians from both parties are worried the rest of us might not deserve any amount of relief.

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Take Me (Remotely) Out to the Ball Game

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It’s only just beginning to feel like baseball weather here in Boston, and MLB owners are clamoring to start the season and send their players out into a pandemic to make them money. I’d almost understand if those billionaires had to pay Boston rents.

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