mass shooting

Semi-Automatic Excuses

Speaking of excuses, I’m late on everything this week because I’m sick with a bad cold. At least it’s not round 2 of the flu, which I was unlucky enough to catch in December.

Getting sick as a freelancer is the worst. There are still deadlines to meet unless you want to throw income in the trash.

Read this comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Read the comic on DailyKos.

Total Electoral Eclipse

Total Electoral EclipseTrump’s malignant shadow is obscuring everything else going on in the world. The ugliness of his campaign and its supporters is certainly newsworthy, but we’ll have a lot of catching up to do if and when the Trump phenomenon fades.

I wrote and drew this before Neil deGrasse Tyson proved himself to be no political scientist over the weekend on Twitter:

Maybe everything he knows about astrophysics leaves very little brain real estate for civics.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

A Gun Culture Christmas

A Gun Culture ChristmasThere were more mass shootings last week, and so I’ve drawn another cartoon about it. I’m feeling like the woman in the second panel, out of ink to spill on the subject long before this blood-soaked country runs out of ammo.

Santa’s naughty list and the FBI’s no-fly list are both not great pieces of intelligence, but in the absence of any practical reform, I don’t see the harm in adding a teeny little hurdle to the gun-buying process. Ideally, these recent tragedies would result in all guns being confiscated and melted down to be used in fixing our bridges, but I have a hunch I’ll be posting another cartoon with similar themes in a few months.

Read the comic at The New York Times.