Monthly Archives: June 2024

Have A Federalist Society Fourth!

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The Supreme Court has a few more awful decisions to hand out before the holiday, but the one’s they’ve issued so far have ranged from awful to slightly less awful. You know the year’s going great when I’ve drawn Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society more than anybody in Congress. Remember that branch of government? I hope they’re having fun.

I watched the debate while finishing this. It was as bad as I was expecting, but that’s more of an illustration of how low my expectations were. Still over four months until the election, so I’m going to try to refrain from doing too many cartoons about it and spoil everyone’s summer.

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Trump’s V.P. Shortlist

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General election nonsense is beginning, and there’s allegedly a debate happening next week. Regular folks are doing summery things like vacations and sweating their butts off while drawing this comic in third floor apartments in Boston, Massachusetts. The media however, needs a horserace and “Veepstakes” gives them something to talk about besides “Trump still sucks.” and Biden still slightly older than Trump.”

It doesn’t matter who Trump’s Vice President is more than the legion of flunkies who’ll be put in charge of their terrifying agenda. John Oliver had a good summary of it, that’s better than me typing all about it.

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2024’s Climate Records

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We’re about to have a heat wave here in the Northeast, which will be minor compared to the heat waves happening elsewhere around the globe so far this summer. Ocean temps are already shattering records held since … last year, and hurricane season is only officially two weeks old.

Locally, ocean temps are still too chilly for people who didn’t grow up in New England (AKA my spouse), but the swimming season here is already a month longer than when I was a kid forty years ago.

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Private Equity Acquires Your Family

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Private equity, vulture capital, enshittification, whatever you want to call it, has been hollowing out vast swathes of the country, from brands like Red Lobster and Boeing, to entire hospital groups.

Leveraged buyouts are somehow a legal version of what the mob does in pretty much every Scorsese movie about them: Acquire something, strip it for parts, then throw a decadent party montage set to the Rolling Stones. They should be illegal, but along with everything else, the good ol’ days of the regulatory state are long behind us.

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Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.