Monthly Archives: May 2023

Beware of the Speaker

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As soon as Republicans squeaked out control of the House last November, I did a bunch of cartoons predicting this debt ceiling mess and ways to avoid it. Instead, the White House was high on their own supply and believed Republicans would magically become rational and not do the thing they campaigned on doing.

The solutions have been out there, being shouted by nobodies like myself, and “serious” people since the first time this happened during the Obama Administration. But arguments for the Trillion Dollar Coin and 14th Amendment hold little sway in a White House still enamored with the opinions of centrist toilet men.

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Box Office Bombs

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I still haven’t returned to going to the movies. Mostly due to never being a fan of crowded theaters even before COVID. But maybe if the numbers are low and the edibles are just right, I’ll get tickets to see Dune Part II.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
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COVID’s Over* Party Supplies

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The public health emergency for the pandemic ended today. The pandemic hasn’t. Testing’s now going to be even more of an expensive pain-in-the-ass, which means no one will do it unless absolutely necessary, including myself!

A thousand people are still dying a week in the US, but the government really gave up after that first omicron surge in late ’21, early ’22. We’ve normalized accepting deaths below those numbers.

Transmission numbers are low, and the weather’s good for ventilation now, but we’re not collecting any more data for individuals to make informed decisions when things get worse. And if the last 3+ years proved anything, it’s that they will.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
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Scab Scripts

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The Writers’ Guild of America declared a strike early Tuesday after the executive side of the entertainment business refused to negotiate their modest demands. A lot has changed since the last writers’ strike in 2007, especially how media is consumed and compensated.

Netflix’s red envelopes were the big new thing back then, and now they’re a relic young people think coexisted with BETAMAX. Yet pay, residuals, and benefits are still stuck in that ancient time before we had to manage a dozen or so streaming logins.

All of these studios are making profits, just not enough to satisfy Wall Street’s maw. So they’re screwing writers and nickel-and-diming their subscribers by canceling shows and memory-holing their back catalogs to save a few cents on residuals, all to squeeze out more dividends and stock buybacks.

Joe “Union Guy” Biden broke a rail strike so the economy wouldn’t take a hit. If this writers’ strike goes on long enough to harm the studios’ bottom lines, I’m sure he’ll find a way to intervene.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.