‘Tis the Season to Be Lame Ducky
Two more months with this guy’s fingers on the nuclear codes. Even without the pandemic, it’s best to stay home.
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Two more months with this guy’s fingers on the nuclear codes. Even without the pandemic, it’s best to stay home.
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I’ve been doing joke Thanksgiving recipes off and on for 19 years. This is the bleakest group yet. I live within 25 miles of my immediate family, and might see them masked and distanced in a yard as we exchange food we made in Tupperware. And I’m one of the lucky ones.
Stay safe so we can do this all over again for next month’s holidays.
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My wife and I were sitting on our back porch when the election was called. Lots of hootin’, hollerin’, and horn blowin’ ensued in the neighborhood. Saturday’s celebrations were a collective relief of getting rid of Trump, and also every craven barnacle that attached themselves to him. Starting with Pence all the way down to all the freaks of the week I’ve drawn over the last four years.
There’s still over two months for them to do a lot of damage, and the pandemic’s soared to uncharted horrors, but we’ll always have last Saturday and Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
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Slow news week, huh?
Once Trump started contesting the counting of votes, it was guaranteed Sesame Street’s Count von Count would become the meme of the week. Anything I wrote could’ve been rendered moot by the actual tallies, but I had to start drawing at some point.
And as of this posting, this is still relevant. I hope it is by the time it gets published everywhere else.
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