Monthly Archives: March 2017

Naptime for Diplomacy

Rex Tillerson doesn’t like his job , and it’s the only relatable thing about the rich former Exxon executive. He’s already missed events  due to “fatigue” after less than two months on the job.

An hour before I finished this, it was announced that he’d attend the NATO meeting after all , but only after a week of criticism.

Patrons can read the comic now.

Read the comic at GoComics.

Read the comic at DailyKos.

Inside the White House Writers’ Room

The second version of the White House’s unconstitutional immigration ban was struck down on Thursday. Public comments admitting the discriminatory intent of the executive order made by Rudy Giuliani and Trump adviser Stephen Miller helped strike it down.

Good job, guys!

Read this and all my comics early for just a buck!

Read the comic at GoComics.

Read the comic at AlterNet.

Read the comic at DailyKos.

Health Insurance Handouts

Paul Ryan finally presented the “replace” part of “Repeal and replace Obamacare,” and it’s pretty much a gift to the wealthy and insurance companies.

Good thing I wasn’t shocked. My heart couldn’t afford a doctor’s visit.

Support my comics and to see this one on Patreon. Supporters get access to my comics days before they’re posted elsewhere.

Read the comic at GoComics.

Read the comic at Alternet.

Read the comic at DailyKos.

Tweets from the #STONEZONE

Longtime Trump adviser, and even longer-time Nixon hanger-on Roger Stone went on a Twitter tear last Saturday. The next morning, he responded to folks laughing at him with this tweet:

There’s a lot of awful things about this guy, but the thing that really ticked me off while drawing this cartoon was his penchant for pinstriped suits. Those things are a bitch to draw!

Read the comic at The Nib.

Pundits Appraise the Trump Sideshow

Normal people’s response to Trump’s joint address was disgust and horror. Pundits however, couldn’t stop raving about it. They were immediately mocked, but their jobs are never in jeopardy and they’ll still get paid handsomely to spew bad takes.

Featured here in order are: Van Jones, Katy Tur, Philip Rucker, Benny “Wikipedia Plagiarist” Johnson, and Chris “The Fix” Cillizza. If you don’t know who they are, you have a much healthier media diet than me.

Unless you’re trapped in a hotel with no channels, there’s no reason to watch or read these morons’ opinions. Actual reporting, and maybe some supplemental analysis here and there is all you need to be an informed citizen.

Except for editorial cartoons. Keep reading those.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Read the comic on DailyKos.