Benny Johnson

Pundits Appraise the Trump Sideshow

Normal people’s response to Trump’s joint address was disgust and horror. Pundits however, couldn’t stop raving about it. They were immediately mocked, but their jobs are never in jeopardy and they’ll still get paid handsomely to spew bad takes.

Featured here in order are: Van Jones, Katy Tur, Philip Rucker, Benny “Wikipedia Plagiarist” Johnson, and Chris “The Fix” Cillizza. If you don’t know who they are, you have a much healthier media diet than me.

Unless you’re trapped in a hotel with no channels, there’s no reason to watch or read these morons’ opinions. Actual reporting, and maybe some supplemental analysis here and there is all you need to be an informed citizen.

Except for editorial cartoons. Keep reading those.

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