
Ron DeSantis’s Book Club

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Here is a sort of a sequel to this cartoon from last August. DeSantis keeps escalating his fascist grip on Florida while national Democrats are spending their time crowing about “bipartisan” infrastructure and doing fuck-all else.

While I doubt DeSantis has national appeal, ceding one of our largest state’s populace to his goonish whims is less than ideal. “Just VOTE!” when the guy you want to be voted out has already disenfranchised his way into landslide re-elections.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.

Ron DeSantis’s Back-to-School Rules

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Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Republicans in general have spent years demonizing teachers and cutting their funding, and are now dealing with teacher shortages as the school year begins. They’re sending cops and troops in to fill the vacancies, which I’m sure will end well.

One thing I’ve learned the last year or so of drawing this guy is that he’s always doing a third-rate Trump impression. He went to fancy schools, and can never nail it without adding a car dealership vibe to Trump’s awfulness.

Impression critique aside, he’s a fascist actively planning to steal elections. And unfortunately, Florida still has a lot of electoral votes that could decide the fate of the entire country.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.

Creeping Fa-SHUSH-ism

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Republican states are wilding out with anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-trans, and anti-everyone-who-isn’t-them bills. With a Supreme Court ready to rubber stamp them, the only legislative way to stop them is for the Democratically controlled federal government to pass a law.

That’s not going to happen, so it’s up to those of us not targeted by these garbage laws to protest them and offer aid and support to their victims.

Read the comic on Patreon.
Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.

Ron DeSantis’s Emotional Support Police

Read the comic on Patreon.

Taking a break from pointing out Democrats are beefing it again to point out Republicans are still evil.

While letting deaths pile up to blame on Democrats this fall, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing lots of dumb stunts to whip up the base, and literally whip anyone who’s not his base.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Water Warnings 1

Water WarningsWhile we’re finally saying goodbye to record snowpack in New England, there’s virtually none in California this spring. And for a state that’s in the middle of a years-long drought, that’s bad news for the water supply.

Unless you’re in agribusiness. They’re exempt from Gov. Jerry Brown’s mandatory water restrictions, while residents are asked to take quickie showers and to “let it mellow” in their toilet bowls. The world’s gotta eat, and for some reason a lot of that food is grown in the California desert.

Making matters worse is that a large portion of increasingly scarce California water is used to grow crops for animals to eat, so we can eat them. I’m not a vegetarian, but sustainable agriculture practices seem like a good idea, at least for those of us who are still allowed to say “climate change.”

Read the comic at The New York Times.