While we’re finally saying goodbye to record snowpack in New England, there’s virtually none in California this spring. And for a state that’s in the middle of a years-long drought, that’s bad news for the water supply.
Unless you’re in agribusiness. They’re exempt from Gov. Jerry Brown’s mandatory water restrictions, while residents are asked to take quickie showers and to “let it mellow” in their toilet bowls. The world’s gotta eat, and for some reason a lot of that food is grown in the California desert.
Making matters worse is that a large portion of increasingly scarce California water is used to grow crops for animals to eat, so we can eat them. I’m not a vegetarian, but sustainable agriculture practices seem like a good idea, at least for those of us who are still allowed to say “climate change.”
Read the comic at The New York Times.
keep up the good work Brian McFadden!