Monthly Archives: January 2022

The Extended Groundhog Forecast

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We’re about to get a nor’easter this weekend, so I’m not optimistic about what the groundhog’s gonna say next week. In fact, I’m not optimistic about anything, except that I’ll get to go snowshoeing this weekend.

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Ron DeSantis’s Emotional Support Police

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Taking a break from pointing out Democrats are beefing it again to point out Republicans are still evil.

While letting deaths pile up to blame on Democrats this fall, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing lots of dumb stunts to whip up the base, and literally whip anyone who’s not his base.

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Threats All Go to the Movies!

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I know most movie rollouts were planned well in advance of this latest omicron wave, but there’s something incredibly sinister about all the “only in theaters” ads running while hospitals are struggling and begging people to stop spreading this disease everywhere.

We rented Mike Mills’ “C’mon C’mon” this week just to see something new. It’s good! And besides being safer at home, it was cheaper than two arthouse tickets to see it.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
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Re-Re-Updated CDC Guidance

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President Biden had his big July 4th “COVID’s Over!” blowout and really can’t be bothered with us plebes not wanting to get sick. That’s why the policy’s been “Let’r RIP!” since the Delta wave interrupted our summer fun. The economy is the only thing he has to crow about, so now essential employees are being shoved back to work while contagious and symptomatic.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
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