Monthly Archives: February 2017

Joint Address Prep with Trump and Bannon

This cartoon is exclusive to patrons who pledge $5 or more or month. Subscribers at that level also get early access to my weekly comics, as well as a signed and personalized holiday card at the end of the year. Sign up here.

Tonight’s joint address to Congress isn’t technically a State of the Union address. Whatever you want to call it, it’s going to be a shitshow. I hope you don’t have to watch.

Patrons who give $10 or more a month get all that, plus a signed high quality print of any cartoon they want along with the holiday card.

Town Hall Exit Plans

Republicans are having a difficult time at town halls in their home districts. Constituents are rightfully angry at them for going along with whatever President Trump wants to do, and letting them hear what they think.

Louie Gohmert not only cancelled his town halls , but cited Gabby Giffords’ shooting as his reason. Not exactly the bravest stance from someone who thinks guns should be everywhere except near him.

The birthday cake gag may seem like a non sequitur, but Tom Cotton really likes birthday cake. Here’s the proof.

Read the comic now on Patreon.

Read the comic at The Nib.

Read the comic at GoComics.

Read the comic at DailyKos.

Read the comic at Alternet.

The Cartoon Commandments

Read the full headline comic at The Nib.

If you’re not reading The Nib or subscribing to their newsletter, you’re missing out on headline comics like these, among other longform comics.

Here’s the article this headline is pulled from. The offending cartoon isn’t included in the piece, but it’s described like this:

Girgir had published in its latest edition a cartoon showing the bearded Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt, with his companions complaining and using vulgar curse words.

There’s been a huge crackdown on journalists and cartoonists as Erdogan consolidates power in Turkey. The publication shut itself down to avoid a similar fate to what happened to cartoonist Musa Kart and his colleagues.

Hide and Seek with ICE

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been at the center of some pretty awful news this week.

A woman in Texas who was seeking a protective order against her abusive partner was arrested at the courthouse  after said abusive partner tipped ICE off to her immigrations status.

In Virginia, ICE agents ambushed men leaving a church’s hypothermia shelter. The list goes on and on.

The cruelty of this regime’s raids and detentions are heart wrenching, but let’s not pretend previous administrations were anything but callous either.

Kick a buck my way to read the comic at Patreon right now, or check this post next week for the free links.

Read the comic at GoComics.

Read the comic at AlterNet.

Read the comic at Daily Kos.

Tall Tales of Terror

Since my run at the NYTimes came to end, I’ve launched a Patreon. Supporters can see the comic now. Readers who aren’t that into me can still see it when it appears across the web later next week!

Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer are inventing Islamic terror attacks in order to justify the Administration’s terrible executive orders.

If and when a real attack happens, they’re going to seize the opportunity to do even worse things than George W. Bush and Cheney did.

Unless it’s right-wing extremists, then they’ll get ignored like the Quebec Mosque shooting, or the Texas Mosque arson.

Read the comic on Patreon.

Read the comic on GoComics.

Read the comic on Alternet.

Read the comic on DailyKos.

Orange is the New Black History Month

Despite his cluelessness about Frederick Douglass, the White House’s current orange occupant has his own rich history with African-Americans. It’s all bad. Housing discrimination, racist ad campaigns, and his KKK-adjacent father are just the tip of a very racist iceberg.

The bloated underbelly of that iceberg belongs to Steve Bannon. Who writes the orders Trump signs without reading.

Read the comic at GoComics.

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