Monthly Archives: August 2016

Modern Medical Marvels

Modern Medical MarvelsIf there was any doubt that Martin Shkreli represents the rest of the for-profit healthcare industry, recent headlines removed it. Mylan’s gouging of Epi-Pens, and Aetna sulking away from Obamacare markets because they weren’t profitable enough are making quite the case for putting a public option into the Affordable Care Act.

The public option was originally in there, but removed to placate conservatives, who spent the past 6 years trying to repeal it anyway. Unless the House changes hands in November, a public insurance plan will remain a pipe dream and healthcare costs will keep going up. That’s good news if you happen to be a well-compensated healthcare CEO.

I’m not even going to pretend that single-payer will ever happen. Too much money’s at stake, and no number of lives can top that.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

Republicans Reject Trump

Republicans Reject TrumpRepublicans are abandoning the Trump Train, and Clinton’s rolling out the welcome mat. I hope her tent is big enough to keep John Negroponte far away from wherever the Clinton campaign’s foreign policy is being written.

Read the comic at The New York Times.

Olympic Con Games

Olympic Con GamesThe Olympics are a traveling grift that seem to get worse every time they’re held. I’m glad we made a stink in Boston and forced Boston2024 to drop its bid, even if it sank my chances of seeing Ann Romney’s horse prance around in my neighborhood.

I’m more ambivalent towards sports doping. Sure, it’s bad, but it only affects the integrity of “amateur” sports, not the real lives of the people who get displaced by the games and the I.O.C.’s ridiculous whims.

Read the comic at The New York Times.