Monthly Archives: October 2021

A Warning from the Candy Cops

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Every October, the cops trot out a PR campaign about the dangers of marijuana edibles to trick-or-treaters, and the local news dutifully covers it.

No one is giving kids their edibles. Getting hit by a car is a far more likely danger to kids on Halloween and every day.

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Mint the NFTs

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Things are playing out exactly as they did in 2009 during the Obama years with deficits and debt suddenly the hostage du jour for Republicans (and defacto ones like Manchin and Sinema) who want things to be bad for the midterm elections.

Economists (the only social scientists who get rewarded for being wrong) poo-poo printing more money by invoking the “inflation” boogey man, but nobody has any money. The meager stimulus some people got because of the pandemic ran out months ago, and I’ve yet to see anything beyond the runaway housing/healthcare/education inflation we’ve been suffering through for the last 40 years.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
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