Save This Cartoonist!

Everyone persuadable has heard the moral cases to vote against Donald Trump. If that hasn’t motivated them to vote, I’m not sure anything will. So I offer this very selfish reason to want Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to win in less than two weeks.
I’m very tired of reading about, thinking about, and drawing this vile human being. I was in my mid-thirties when he first descended that gilded escalator. I’m now 45 and would like to use a palette that doesn’t include that orange makeup, blue suit, or red tie before I hit my fifties. Let your voice be heard and Make Brian Draw Farts Again!
There are positive reasons to vote FOR Harris-Walz, not just AGAINST Trump, but that’s enough for me. No one should waste time arguing with people who can’t stomach voting for whatever reason. The goal is to get out the vote (in swings states, the rest of us can pound sand), not win arguments online. If someone’s not budging, move on to someone who is. There’s less than two weeks left!
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