Laura Ingraham

Fox News’s Deposition Bloopers

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Evidence collected during discovery in Dominion’s defamation suit against Fox News  clearly shows they’re the propaganda arm of the Republican party. So has the last several decades of its existence, but mainstream media continued to pretend they’re a real news outlet.

Murdoch usually settles so this stuff gets buried in NDAs, but this piece by Amanda Marcotte gives an explanation for why he’s letting all this dirty laundry go out to the public.

Cable carriages fees continue to prop up Murdoch’s media empire, and I’m part of the problem. While I was drawing this, I was using my cable subscription to watch a Bruins game. At least the win soothed my conscience for a couple minutes.

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Read the comic on The Nib.
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Fox Weather Channel

Read the comic on Patreon.

Pretty neat that every cable subscription underwrites Murdoch’s trash that’s been undermining democracy for 25+ years.

As for actual weather news, my phone’s been telling me to prepare for lots of flooding tomorrow due to Elsa’s remnants. If that’s the worst weather we get this summer, I’ll consider myself lucky.

Read the comic on Patreon.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.

Fox News’ New Lineup

There’s been a lot of turnover at Fox News, and that’s just from the sexual harassment.
But with indictments from Robert Mueller starting to come down, they’re even more desperate to distract your grandparents with new nonsense.

Read the comic at Patreon.

Read the comic at DailyKos.

Read the comic at The Nib.

Read the comic at GoComics.