Newspaper Nit Picker Fact-Checks This Comic

This week the columnists whose whole schtick is “fact-checking” contorted themselves into knots trying to find as many untruths and straight-up lies in this week’s DNC as last month’s RNC. They went so far to claim things he actually did in his first term don’t count because he’s said he’ll be different in a second one.
It would be gullible if they weren’t so obviously trying to smooth over his many disqualifications in order to keep this a horse race.
I focused on Glenn Kessler as the avatar of this whole genre of goofy “fact checkers” who use silly icons and graphics to add some razzle-dazzle to what’ve become essentially opinion columns. There are countless real fact checkers who do the thankless job of verifying the details in actual reporting. But all these bozos do is tediously parse language and figures of speech to grease the wheels of false equivalence.
Trump and his courts are still a very real threat, but you can tell the public is bored of his antics and was itching to move on. Unfortunately, the media is not.
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