With less than a week to go until votes are finally counted, people’s election madness has reached a fever pitch. A lot of people have channeled that energy into productive uses, but the one’s who haven’t can’t stop clogging our timelines with increasingly panicked posts.
While there’s still a few days to get out the vote with phone banks and canvassing, ballot curing is a process I didn’t know much about until recently. 33 states allow voters whose ballots were rejected to correct issues over various timeframes. Getting in touch with those voters and helping them through that process requires lots of volunteers.
There are several organizations that do this, but one I’ve found that lets us slobs in non-swing states easily volunteer can be found here.
Hopefully there will be a decisive winner by next week’s cartoon, but I’m sure there will be plenty of coup attempts and other shenanigans going on for months to come.
Stay sane, everyone!
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