I hope your holidays were relaxing enough to get you rested for the long slog through the rest of winter and the years to come. I’m still avoiding drawing you-know-who to pace myself for what’s coming, but even with my limited news consumption over the holidays, I’m already suffering from Elon/Trump burnout.
I’m not going to tune out of the news like many people have wisely done since the election, and I’m sure I’ll be drawing those shitheads a lot, but I can’t do another four years of “GET A LOAD OF THIS BOZO!” every week. It obviously had no effect the last time I did it, so why subject myself to that again?
That’s the long way of saying I want to try different approaches this time around. I’m not yet sure what that’ll look like, but let’s find out!
Read the comic on Patreon.
Read the comic on Daily Kos.
Read the comic on GoComics.