Tucker Carlson

Fox News’s Deposition Bloopers

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Evidence collected during discovery in Dominion’s defamation suit against Fox News  clearly shows they’re the propaganda arm of the Republican party. So has the last several decades of its existence, but mainstream media continued to pretend they’re a real news outlet.

Murdoch usually settles so this stuff gets buried in NDAs, but this piece by Amanda Marcotte gives an explanation for why he’s letting all this dirty laundry go out to the public.

Cable carriages fees continue to prop up Murdoch’s media empire, and I’m part of the problem. While I was drawing this, I was using my cable subscription to watch a Bruins game. At least the win soothed my conscience for a couple minutes.

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Culture War Activities

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Republicans riling up their base about stove regulations or sexy M&Ms is preferred over the past few years spent inciting them to commit terrorism against human beings. The latter isn’t culture war, just straight up war-war.

A lot of stuff gets lumped into “Culture War” because media considers it frivolous, even if it’s a serious issue with life or death consequences. They’ve probably already defined it down to include everything that isn’t about actual war or our precious economy. Or the Royal Family, who I’m still hearing about for some reason.

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2022 Winter Gift Guide

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Forgot to post this here over the holiday. Apologies!

Short week for Thanksgiving, even though I’m not traveling. COVID, flu, RSV, and even our dear old pal the common cold will be. Stay healthy out there.

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Elon Musk’s Freak Speech Spending Spree

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Elon Musk has been trying to be the main character of Twitter for the better part of two months now. And just as I was locking in the final line art of this comic, an expose came out about how he harassed/assaulted a SpaceX employee, who signed an NDA for a severance of $250K. So if you’re wondering why there’s only slight mention of it, that’s why!

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Tucker Carlson’s Toadies

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Since COVID’s still rippin’, there aren’t many options for sports fans who don’t want Long COVID to watch games. Stadiums and bars are out, and if you’re in the same TV market as the teams you like, the streaming options are blacked out.

The names of everyone featured in the comic aren’t stated explicitly, because they are tedious people who name-search and I don’t want to deal with them or their weird fans. If you can’t identify them, you have a healthier media diet than I do!

Consider this comic an attempt to alleviate some of the guilt I feel every time I plop on a baseball or hockey game.

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Fox Weather Channel

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Pretty neat that every cable subscription underwrites Murdoch’s trash that’s been undermining democracy for 25+ years.

As for actual weather news, my phone’s been telling me to prepare for lots of flooding tomorrow due to Elsa’s remnants. If that’s the worst weather we get this summer, I’ll consider myself lucky.

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Updated CDC Guidance

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I’m still a week away from my second shot, so I’ll be acting like there’s still a pandemic on, ‘cause there is.

(panel 1 – Title on a CDC report.)
Updated CDC Guidance
(panel 2 – On a CDC slide with a person speaking to an intubated patient.)
Whining about minor vaccine side-effects won’t get much sympathy from people on ventilators.
person, “My shoulder hurts!”
(panel 3 – On a CDC slide with a mortar board, diploma and a “No Phones” symbol.)
Avoid social media until you’ve completed online courses on epidemiology and statistics.
(panel 4 – On a CDC slide with a couple dining outdoors.)
Outdoor dining is SAFE, if you tip AT LEAST 30%, and actively lobby your representatives to end the TIPPED MINIMUM WAGE.
(panel 5 – On a CDC slide, Tucker Carlson yelling at a masked child.)
Concerned that a stranger’s still wearing a mask? MIND YA BUSINESS!
(panel 6 – On a CDC slide, a globe injected with multiple syringes.)
Release the intellectual property protections of the vaccines, so millions won’t die needlessly …
Or if you’re selfish, so resistant variants won’t emerge and affect YOU, the protagonist of the universe.

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Where Are Former Trump Officials Being Normalized Now?

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These people are never going to change, and unless they’re prosecuted for their crimes, it’ll happen again. That’s not going to happen, so they should at least be shunned from TV and cushy columnists gigs.

It’s been over two years since I’ve drawn Steve Bannon. Sorry I brought my rendering of him out of retirement.

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